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                                                         Table Of Contents
                                                @ 0x10 | Introduction................ @
                                                @ 0X20 | Personal Information........ @
                                                @ 0x30 | Social Media................ @
                                                @ 0x40 | Phone Information........... @
                                                @ 0x50 | Property Information........ @
                                                @ 0x60 | Pictures.....................@ 
                                                @ 0x70 | Outro....................... @ 
              │                                         0x10 Introduction                                                 |
Hello There,
Today I will be re-pasting one of my older doxxes on an individual named Kyla, I wasn't happy with the old one and most info was outdated, so I decided to re-visit it
as it was very messy and unprofessional, please enjoy this dox on this e-slut.
In case of investigation involving a federal entity or individual, I am with no involvement of the actions that can/will be taken accountable
against this person.  
    Now please, sit back, relax, and enjoy the information I have collected.
                                                    May god be with you all, Amen.

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                     |       |
                     '-=====-'   The death of Kyla. (Again LOL)
              │                                         0x20 Personal Information                                         |


       • Full Name: Kyla Ezzell (Confirmed)
       • Age: 15
       • DOB: ???/???/2007

       • kyla
       • soriety
       • clpherk

       •  Ethnicity: Indian prolly ion even know nigga LOL
       •  Hair Color: Brown
       •  Eye Color: Green
       •  Height: 5'2
       •  Weight: 900 lbs

           • Name: Hilda J Barbour Elementary (This is her old school obviously hence "Elementary,"
                 > Type: Elementary School
                 > Address: 290 Westminster Dr, Front Royal, VA 22630 P 540-622-8090y   
                 > Phone: 540-622-8090, (FAX:) 540-636-1053
                                                                 .-"""-.       ||::::::==========
                                                                /= ___  \      ||::::::==========                          
                                                               |- /~~~\  |     ||::::::==========
                                                               |=( '.' ) |     ||================ 
Grandma                                                        \__\_=_/__/     ||================
                                                                {_______}      ||================
                                                              /` *       `'--._||
         • Name: Something Ezzell nigga idk                  /= .[goodnight.]  { >
                  > Location: USA, Rosehill Carolina        /  /|        |`'--'|| 
                  > Age: 85                                (   )\_______/      ||
                                                            \``\/       \      ||
                                                             `-| ==    \_|     ||
                                                               /         |     ||
                                                              |=   >\  __/     ||
                                                              \   \ |- --|     ||                    
                                                               \ __| \___/     ||
                                                               _{__} _{__}     ||
                                                              (    )(    )     || 
                                                             ^^~  `"""  `"""  ~^^^~^^~~~^^^~^^^~^^^~^^~^  

Deceased Ancestors:
         • Name: Zachariah Ezzell (Civil War Soldier)
                 > Life span: Born 1846 died in 1911
                 > Spouse: Martha Catherine Ezzell, married in 1872 at age 25

         • Name: Spurgeon Haddon Ezzell
                 > Life spin: Born in August 4th 1882 - Duplin County, North Carolina, USA died in 1954
                 > Spouse: Minnie L Knowles
                 > Picture of his grave: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1074847753282273320/1114370947454087300/152feccb-29f3-4b5c-bf95-025b36e0d899.jpg

            │                                         0x30 Social Media                                                 |

            • Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/341674274/profile
            • Instagram: _luv.kyla_ (old childhood acc)
            • Tiktok: sorietyrunsu
            • Discord: kyla 0002

           │                                       0x40 Phone Information                                              |
              ╔═ Her
              ╚->  •  Name: Kyla Ezzell
                   •  Phone Number: +1 (202) 569-0196
                   •  Phone Carrier: AT%T 
                   •  Area code: 202/Washington D.C      


                            .                                                      .
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                                                 `             '    


         │                                       0x50 Property Information                                           |

Home Information:

      • Address: 419 Tayside Way Hyattsville, MD 20785 (Do what you want with this, I do not take involvement in anything that happens)
                 > Home Value: $266K
                 > Household Income: $65.6K 
                 > Average Resident Age: 33.5 years
                 > Area schools: G. James Gholson Middle School grades 6-8, Cora L. Rice Elementary School grades PK-5, Central High school grades 9-12
                 > Resident gender percentage: Male 44.35% Female 55.65%
Education Statistic:

No Highschool Diploma 7.53%
High School Diploma and Some College 60.14%
Bachelor’s or Associates Degree	15.48%
Graduate or Professional Degree	10.71%


         │                                       0x60 Pictures                                                       |

      • #1 Her face (absolute shemale) 

      • #2 Her as a kid

      • #3 Bathing Suit Pic

      • #4 Her "ass pic"


         │                                       0x70 Outro                                                          |

           \       / Here lies the grave of Kyla.
        '-.  |   |  .-'                      
          ___|   |___                            Credits
     -=  [           ]  =-                    ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
         `---.   .---'                        • ghoulish#0001
      __||__ |   | __||__                     • doxz
      '-..-' |   | '-..-'                     • wpr
        ||   |   |   ||
        ||_.-|   |-,_||
      .-"`   `"`'`   `"-.                  
    .'                   '.           ~"" Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 
                                      In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

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God Bless \ /\  \         \ \___\         \
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