`7MMF' `YMM'       db   MMP""MM""YMM `7MMF'`7MM"""YMM  
                             MM   .M'        ;MM:  P'   MM   `7   MM    MM    `7  
                             MM .d"         ,V^MM.      MM        MM    MM   d    
                             MMMMM.        ,M  `MM      MM        MM    MMmmMM    
                             MM  VMA       AbmmmqMA     MM        MM    MM   Y  , 
                             MM   `MM.    A'     VML    MM        MM    MM     ,M 
                           .JMML.   MMb..AMA.   .AMMA..JMML.    .JMML..JMMmmmmMMM 
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                        0x00 - Table of Contents                       ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █                        0x00 - Table of Contents....                       █
                █                        0x01 - Introduction.........                       █
                █                        0x02 - Personal Information.                       █
                █                        0x03 - Aliases..............                       █
                █                        0x04 - Social Media Accounts                       █
                █                        0x05 - Emails...............                       █
                █                        0x06 - Relatives............                       █
                █                        0x07 - Address Information..                       █
                █                        0x08 - Credit Report........                       █
                █                        0x09 - Extras...............                       █
                █                        0x10 - Credits..............                       █
                █                                                                     -hapy █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                          0x01 - Introduction                          ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █   Message me on telegram for work                     █
                █                                                                           █
                █   Katie, an innocent roblox player to a massive whore. Katie a normal     █
                █   roblox player who would openly throw herself at any man who gave her    █
                █   attention whilst relentlessley arguing with anyone and everyone.        █
                █   Katie was caught red handed cheating on her irl boyfriend Maxwell.      █
                █   You are scum and don't deserve to be loved Katie.                       █
                █                                                                           █
                █   Cba showing all the screenshots but this is funny enough                █
                █   cheating:                          █
                █                                                                           █
                █   Simple verification:                                                    █
                █   Got her email from wattpad. using the email I pulled her number,        █
                █   delivery address, full name, username, previous orders and more from    █
                █   her ebay account. The phone number matched the recovery numbers on:     █
                █   gmail, paypal, snapchat, instagram and more. Her full name also matched █
                █   with her instagram and snapchat name. There is many many more ways      █
                █   I can verify this dox if needed but unless you are a retard this should █
                █   enough.                                                                 █
                █                                                                           █
                █              ALL INFORMATION WAS GATHERED VIA LEGAL MEANS                 █
                █                                                                     -hapy █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                      0x02 - Personal Information                      ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Name Information:                                                        █
                █   (-) Full Name: Katie Nuttall                                            █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Gender:                                                                  █
                █   (-) Female                                                              █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Date of Birth:                                                           █
                █   (-) 11/06/2006 | DD/MM/YYYY                                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Location of Birth:                                                       █
                █   (-) Gilbert Bain Hospital                                               █
                █       (-) South Road, Lerwick, ZE1 0TB, Scotland                          █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Race:                                                                    █
                █   (-) Caucasian                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Ethnicity:                                                               █
                █   (-) Scottish / Welsh                                                    █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Relationship Status:                                                     █
                █   (-) In a Relationship                                                   █
                █       (-) Full Name: Maxwell wright                                       █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Address:                                                                 █
                █   (-) Breezy Brae, Castletown, Thurso, Highland KW14 8UA, United Kingdom  █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Current Address                                      █
                █       (-) Dates: 2016 - Now                                               █
                █   (-) Skjaldr Vagr Skeld, Westerskeld, Shetland, ZE2 9NL, United Kingdom  █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Previous Address                                     █
                █       (-) Dates: 2016 - 2016                                              █
                █   (-) Star View, Norland Road, Lybster, KW3 6AD United Kingdom            █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Previous Address                                     █
                █       (-) Dates: 2015 - 2016                                              █
                █   (-) Brough, Westerskeld, Westerskeld, Shetland, ZE2 9NL, United Kingdom █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Previous Address                                     █
                █       (-) Dates: 2010 - 2016                                              █
                █   (-) Unifirth, Bridge of Walls, Shetland, ZE2 9NT, United Kingdom        █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Previous Address / Birth Address                     █
                █       (-) Dates: 2005 - 2010                                              █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Phone Number:                                                            █
                █   (-) +44 7421324998                                                      █
                █       (-) type: WIRELESS                                                  █
                █       (-) Carrier: EE Limited                                             █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Primary, current                                     █
                █       (-) Linked Accounts:                                                █
                █           (-) Ebay                                                        █
                █           (-) Facebook                                                    █
                █           (-) Google                                                      █
                █           (-) Twitter                                                     █
                █           (-) Instagram                                                   █
                █           (-) Whatsapp                                                    █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Education:                                                               █
                █   (-) Name: Thurso High School                                            █
                █       (-) Type: Public, High School                                       █
                █       (-) Phone number: +44 01847893822                                   █
                █       (-) Address: Ormlie Road, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 7DS               █
                █       (-) School leader: Mrs Hannah Flavell                               █
                █   (-) Year: 13                                                            █
                █                                                                           █
                █  IRLs (ALL SFW):                                                          █
                █   (-) (Revealing)                    █
                █   (-) (Squishy)                      █
                █   (-) (Selfie)                       █
                █   (-) (Family)                       █
                █   (-) h (Family 2)                    █
                █   (-) Could of gotten more but cba just be a facebook fiend iyw more pics █
                █                                                                     -hapy █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                            0x03 - Aliases                             ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Aliases:                                                                 █
                █   (-) Katie                                                               █
                █   (-) katie.katea                                                         █
                █   (-) katienutta2                                                         █
                █   (-) 1ka.tie1                                                            █
                █   (-) Katie_Katea                                                         █
                █   (-) ccKatie121xx                                                        █
                █   (-) DogLoverForLifeTime                                                 █
                █   (-) stiIIbetter                                                         █
                █   (-) welshcorgi64                                                        █
                █   (-) welshcorgi644                                                       █
                █   (-) welshc-92                                                           █
                █                                                                     -hapy █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                    0x04 - Social Media Accounts                       ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Discord: katie#2387                                                      █
                █      (-) ID: 553279462419202062                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Duolingo                                                                 █
                █      (-) Name: Katie                                                      █
                █      (-) Username: katienutta2                                            █
                █      (-) ID: 1031786313                                                   █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Ebay:                                 █
                █      (-) Userid: welshc-92                                                █
                █      (-) Name: Katie Nuttall                                              █
                █      (-) Phone Number: +447421324998                                      █
                █      (-) Shipping Address:                                                █
                █          (-) Clare O'sullivan Breezy Brae, Castletown, Thurso,            █
                █              Highland KW14 8UA United Kingdom                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Facebook:        █
                █      (-) Location: Walls, Shetland Islands, United Kingdom                █
                █      (-) Relationship Status: In a relationship                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Instagram:                           █
                █      (-) Recovery Information:                                            █
                █          (-) Email: 1*******                                   █
                █          (-) Phone Number: +44********98 > +447421324998                  █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Picsart:                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Roblox:                   █
                █      (-) Previous Usernames:                                              █
                █          (-) DogLoverForLifeTime                                          █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Snapchat:                       █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Scratch:                      █
                █      (-) Location: United Kingdom                                         █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Tiktok:                              █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Twitter: (deleted)                       █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Wattpad:                       █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Youtube:            █
                █      (-) Name: Katie                                                      █
                █      (-) User: Katie-ck1vu                                                █
                █                                                                     -hapy █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                            0x05 - Emails                              ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                 █
                █       (-) Used on:                                                        █
                █           (-) Google                                                      █
                █               (-) Name: Katie                                             █
                █               (-) Gaia: 112742999836095760535                             █
                █               (-) Recovery information:                                   █
                █                   (-) Number: ••••• ••••98 > +447421324998                █
                █                   (-) 2fa: Google Authenticator App                       █
                █               (-)   █
                █               (-)    █
                █           (-) Microsoft                                                   █
                █           (-) Firefox                                                     █
                █           (-) Etsy                                                        █
                █           (-) Ebay                                                        █
                █               (-) Userid: welshc-92                                       █
                █               (-) Name: Katie Nuttall                                     █
                █               (-) Number: +447421324998                                   █
                █               (-) Shipping Address:                                       █
                █                   (-) Clare O'sullivan Breezy Brae, Castletown, Thurso,   █
                █                       Highland KW14 8UA United Kingdom                    █
                █           (-) Duolingo                                                    █
                █               (-) Name: Katie                                             █
                █               (-) Username: katienutta2                                   █
                █               (-) ID: 1031786313                                          █
                █           (-) Spotify                                                     █
                █           (-) Soundcloud                                                  █
                █           (-) Vimeo                                                       █
                █           (-) Pinterest                                                   █
                █           (-) Picsart                                                     █
                █               (-) Name: welshcorgi64                                      █
                █               (-) Username: welshcorgi644                                 █
                █           (-) Discord                                                     █
                █               (-) katie#2387                                              █
                █           (-) Quora                                                       █
                █           (-) Chess                                                       █
                █           (-) Quora                                                       █
                █           (-) Evernote                                                    █
                █           (-) Wattpad                                                     █
                █           (-) Databreaches:                                               █
                █               (-) WATTPAD_COM_275M_SOCIAL_062020                          █
                █                   (-) username: ccKatie121xx                              █
                █                   (-) email:                       █
                █                   (-) hash: $2y$10$cYbC5cusz/LBU7wCuVcI3.T7HpnoHn5Nx2N    █
                █                             EPlglUkem/zMsprhSa                            █
                █                   (-) CREATEDATE: 2019-09-14 10:07:36                     █
                █                   (-) MODIFYDATE: 2019-09-14 10:07:36                     █
                █                   (-) COUNTRY: GB                                         █
                █                   (-) DOB: 1986-01-01                                     █
                █                   (-) GENDER: F                                           █
                █                                                                     -hapy █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                           0x06 - Relatives                            ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                      __  __       _   _                                   █
                █                     |  \/  |     | | | |                                  █
                █                     | \  / | ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __                     █
                █                     | |\/| |/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|                    █
                █                     | |  | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |                       █
                █                     |_|  |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|                       █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Name Information:                                                        █
                █   (-) Full Name: Clare Marie O' Sullivan                                  █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Date of Birth:                                                           █
                █   (-) 21/11/1970 | DD/MM/YYYY                                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Race:                                                                    █
                █   (-) Caucasian                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Ethnicity:                                                               █
                █   (-) Scottish                                                            █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Relationship Status:                                                     █
                █   (-) Married                                                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Address:                                                                 █
                █   (-) Breezy Brae, Castletown, Thurso, Highland KW14 8UA, United Kingdom  █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Current address                                      █
                █       (-) Dates: 2016 - Now                                               █
                █   (-) Skjaldr Vagr Skeld, Westerskeld, Shetland, ZE2 9NL, United Kingdom  █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Previous Address                                     █
                █       (-) Dates: 2016 - 2016                                              █
                █   (-) Star View, Norland Road, Lybster, KW3 6AD United Kingdom            █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Current address                                      █
                █       (-) Dates: 2015 - 2016                                              █
                █   (-) Brough, Westerskeld, Westerskeld, Shetland, ZE2 9NL, United Kingdom █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Current address                                      █
                █       (-) Dates: 2010 - 2016                                              █
                █   (-) Unifirth, Bridge of Walls, Shetland, ZE2 9NT, United Kingdom        █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Current address                                      █
                █       (-) Dates: 2005 - 2010                                              █
                █                                                                     -hapy █
                █                        ______    _   _                                    █
                █                       |  ____|  | | | |                                   █
                █                       | |__ __ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __                      █
                █                       |  __/ _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|                     █
                █                       | | | (_| | |_| | | |  __/ |                        █
                █                       |_|  \__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_|                        █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Name Information:                                                        █
                █   (-) Full Name: James Nuttall                                            █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Date of Birth:                                                           █
                █   (-) ??/??/1961 | DD/MM/YYYY                                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Race:                                                                    █
                █   (-) Caucasian                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Ethnicity:                                                               █
                █   (-) Welsh                                                               █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Relationship Status:                                                     █
                █   (-) Married                                                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Address:                                                                 █
                █   (-) Breezy Brae, Castletown, Thurso, Highland KW14 8UA, United Kingdom  █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Current address                                      █
                █       (-) Dates: 2016 - Now                                               █
                █   (-) Skjaldr Vagr Skeld, Westerskeld, Shetland, ZE2 9NL, United Kingdom  █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Previous Address                                     █
                █       (-) Dates: 2016 - 2016                                              █
                █   (-) Star View, Norland Road, Lybster, KW3 6AD United Kingdom            █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Current address                                      █
                █       (-) Dates: 2015 - 2016                                              █
                █   (-) Brough, Westerskeld, Westerskeld, Shetland, ZE2 9NL, United Kingdom █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Current address                                      █
                █       (-) Dates: 2010 - 2016                                              █
                █   (-) Unifirth, Bridge of Walls, Shetland, ZE2 9NT, United Kingdom        █
                █       (-) Relevancy: Current address                                      █
                █       (-) Dates: 2005 - 2010                                              █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Notes:                                                                   █
                █   (-) Medical: History of Heart Issues                                    █
                █                                                                     -hapy █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                     0x07 - Address Information                        ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Address:                                                                 █
                █   (-) Breezy Brae, Castletown, Thurso, Highland KW14 8UA, United Kingdom  █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Pictures:                                                                █
                █   (-) Floorplans:                                                         █
                █        (-) - 2D Floorplans           █
                █        (-) - 3D Floorplans           █
                █   (-) Inside:                                                             █
                █        (-) - Lounge                  █
                █        (-) - Lounge 2                █
                █        (-) - Sitting Room            █
                █        (-) - Kitchen / Diner         █
                █        (-) - Kitchen / Diner 2       █
                █        (-) - Family Bathroom         █
                █        (-) - Hallway                 █
                █        (-) - Hallway 2               █
                █        (-) - Master Bedroom          █
                █        (-) - Bedroom 1               █
                █        (-) - Bedroom 2               █
                █        (-) - Bedroom 3               █
                █        (-) - Bedroom 4               █
                █   (-) Outside:                                                            █
                █        (-) - Front View              █
                █        (-) - Outside 1               █
                █        (-) - Outside 2               █
                █        (-) - Far View                █
                █        (-) - Bird's Eye View         █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Current Habitants:                                                       █
                █   (-) James Nuttall                                                       █
                █   (-) Clare Marie O' Sullivan                                             █
                █   (-) Katie Nuttall                                                       █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Previous Habitants:                                                      █
                █   (-) HELEN FRANCES THOMPSON                                              █
                █   (-) NEIL THOMPSON                                                       █
                █   (-) HELEN JANE BRODDELL                                                 █
                █   (-) DENNIS A BRODDELL                                                   █
                █   (-) MATTHEW JAMES BRODDELL                                              █
                █   (-) KIRKLEY N PARKER                                                    █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Property Type:                                                           █
                █   (-) Single Family Residence / Townhouse                                 █
                █                                                                     -hapy █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                     0x08 - Credit Report (Mother)                     ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █  THIS IS JUST A PREVIEW, SEE THE FULL REPORT HERE                         █
                █   (-)                                █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Your Equifax Credit Score:                                               █
                █   (-) "Your score is 502 out of 700. This is an Excellent score."         █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Info Details:                                                            █
                █   (-) CLARE O'SULLIVAN                                                    █
                █       (-) Date of Birth: 1970-11-21                                       █
                █       (-) Connections: null                                               █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Electoral Roll:                                                          █
                █   (-) BREEZY BRAE THURSO CAITHNESS KW148UA                                █
                █       (-) From year: 2016                                                 █
                █       (-) To year: 2023                                                   █
                █   (-) SKJALDR VAGR SHETLAND ZE2 9NL                                       █
                █       (-) From year: 2010                                                 █
                █       (-) To year: 2016                                                   █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Credit Cards:                                                            █
                █   (-) Account Information:                                                █
                █       (-) Date Created: 2011-04-04                                        █
                █       (-) Date Updated: 2023-09-28                                        █
                █       (-) Credit Limit: £ 10,000                                          █
                █       (-) Current Balance: £ 0                                            █
                █       (-) Available Credit: £ 10,000                                      █
                █       (-) Account Number: ************5184                                █
                █   (-) Payment History:                                                    █
                █               Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec             █
                █          2019                                     9   0   0               █
                █          2020 0   30  0   31  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0               █
                █          2021 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0               █
                █          2022 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0               █
                █          2023 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Closed Accounts:                                                         █
                █   (-) Account Information:                                                █
                █       (-) Date Created: 2016-01-21                                        █
                █       (-) Date Updated: 2021-07-20                                        █
                █       (-) Credit Limit: £ 0                                               █
                █       (-) Current Balance: £ 0                                            █
                █       (-) Available Credit £ 0                                            █
                █       (-) Account Number: **********5237                                  █
                █   (-) Payment History:                                                    █
                █               Jul     Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov     Dec                 █
                █          2017 108,242 107,751 107,216 106,829 106,285 105,746             █
                █          2018 101,911 101,356 100,758 100,158 99,550  98,947              █
                █          2019 94,561  93,892  93,278  92,662  92,239  91,821              █
                █          2020 88,844  88,412  8,886   5,959   3,810   3,208               █
                █                                                                           █
                █  CHECKOUT THE FULL REPORT HERE                                            █
                █   (-)                                █
                █                                                                     -hapy █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                             0x09 - Extras                             ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Sister:                                                                  █
                █   (-) Full Name: Bethany Nuttall                                          █
                █   (-) Socials:                                                            █
                █       (-) Instagram: bethany_8662                                         █
                █           (-) b*******                                         █
                █       (-) Facebook:   █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Boyfriend:                                                               █
                █   (-) Full Name: Maxwell wright                                           █
                █   (-) Socials:                                                            █
                █       (-) Instagram: max__w__16                                           █
                █           (-) m*******                                         █
                █       (-) Facebook:   █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Cousin:                                                                  █
                █   (-) Full Name: Isobel Doyle                                             █
                █   (-) Socials:                                                            █
                █       (-) Instagram: beldoyle005                                          █
                █           (-) d*******                                         █
                █       (-) Facebook:   █
                █       (-) Duolingo: BelDoyle005                                           █
                █       (-) Paypal: beldoyle005                                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Newspaper articles:                                                      █
                █   (-) john o'groat journal                                                █
                █       (-) At National 5, outstanding attainment of S4 pupils with all 7   █
                █           As included – Katie Donn, Isla Mackay, Shannon May, Aaron       █
                █           McLean, Sophie Miller, KATIE NUTTALL, Lois Omand & Caitlyn      █
                █           Watt and a further 14 pupils with 6 As.                         █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                                     -hapy █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                            0x10 - Credits                             ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                 .       .   . *                     .                     █
                █  .                .      . .            .                     .           █
                █           .          .         John Smith               .       .         █
                █  .      .      * .                  .   █
                █                 .       .   . *                     .                     █
                █           .          .          Mudontop     *         .       .          █
                █  .      .      * .                  .     █
                █  .       ____     .      . .            .                     .           █
                █         >>         .        .               .                           . █
                █ .   .  /WWWI; \  .       .    .  ____               .         .     .     █
                █  *    /WWWWII; \=====;    .     /WI; \   *    .        /\_             .  █
                █  .   /WWWWWII;..      \_  . ___/WI;:. \     .        _/M; \    .   .      █
                █     /WWWWWIIIIi;..      \__/WWWIIII:.. \____ .   .  /MMI:  \   * .        █
                █ . _/WWWWWIIIi;;;:...:   ;\WWWWWWIIIII;.     \     /MMWII;   \    .  .     █
                █  /WWWWWIWIiii;;;.:.. :   ;\WWWWWIII;;;::     \___/MMWIIII;   \            █
                █ /WWWWWIIIIiii;;::.... :   ;|WWWWWWII;;::.:      :;IMWIIIII;:   \___     * █
                █/WWWWWWWWWIIIIIWIIii;;::;..;\WWWWWWIII;;;:::...    ;IMIII;;     ::  \      █
                █WWWWWWWWWIIIIIIIIIii;;::.;..;\WWWWWWWWIIIII;;..  :;IMIII;:::     :    \    █
                █WWWWWWWWWWWWWIIIIIIii;;::..;..;\WWWWWWWWIIII;::; :::::::::.....::       \--█

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