__                .___    ___.               ___.       _____              .___        
  ____   ____    ____  |  | __  ____    __| _/    \_ |__  ___.__.    \_ |__    /  |  |   ____    __| _/ ______ 
_/ ___\ /  _ \  /  _ \ |  |/ /_/ __ \  / __ |      | __ \<   |  |     | __ \  /   |  |_ /    \  / __ | /  ___/ 
\  \___(  <_> )(  <_> )|    < \  ___/ / /_/ |      | \_\ \\___  |     | \_\ \/    ^   /|   |  \/ /_/ | \___ \  
 \___  >\____/  \____/ |__|_ \ \___  >\____ |      |___  // ____|     |___  /\____   | |___|  /\____ |/____  > 
     \/                     \/     \/      \/          \/ \/              \/      |__|      \/      \/     \/  
                                                       get fucked faggot, im not your cut slut kys ezL                                          

Reason for Dox: asking me to be his cut slut, also racist and a lil bitch ong, he also doxxed his own irl friend for no reason at all, said one of my friends flashed little kids, he does not and ezL is just a big bitch ong, he also lies on the reason for dox on his pastes lmfao He Also Slashed My Friends Window (i dont got the proof for that, i just heard it on call)

[!] Proof For Dox: 

[+] Him Doxxing his friend: https://files.catbox.moe/5l3v7i.png
[+] Asking Me To Be His CutSlut: https://files.catbox.moe/r71kwb.png
[+] His Own Friend Admitting That Hes Said The N Word: https://files.catbox.moe/l0wxkt.png
[+] Extra Shit: https://files.catbox.moe/fkfl8v.png | https://files.catbox.moe/u5g2v7.png

[*] Main Info:

[+] Name: Chase
[+] Age: 15
[+] Race: White
[+] Sexuality: Gay
[+] Autistic: Yes
[+] Retarded: Prolly idfk
[+] Snapchat: aliucord
[+] House Phone Number: 4035692372 (might be incorrect)
[+] Cell Phone Number: working on it
[+] Area: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
[+] Address: 208 Penswood Way SE, Calgary, AB T2A 4T2, Canada
[+] School: Ernest Morrow School | Calgary Board of Education, 1212 47 St SE, Calgary, AB T2A 1R3, Canada
[+] IP:

[*] IP Info:

Country	Canada   Canada
State / Region	Alberta
District / County	Calgary
City	Calgary (Forest Lawn - Forest Heights)
Zip / Postal code	T2A
Weather station	CAXX0054 - Calgary
Coordinates	51.0384, -113.981
Timezone	America/Edmonton (UTC-6)
Local time	14:55:04
Languages	en-CA, fr-CA, iu
Currency	Dollar (CAD)

[*] Socials:

[+] Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/m0n4rch1sm/
[+] Twitter: https://x.com/A11ACHED, https://x.com/Asteria_news
[+] Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/leanskuii
[+] Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31pn5g3zb3spupkbgz2syrcbo74y?
[+] Xbox: T1kxS0ar, Get axed
[+] Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/asteriadeath/
[+] TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@zliucord
[+] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@A11ACHED, https://www.youtube.com/@XbX_discord
[+] Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/an4rch
[+] Telegram: https://t.me/a11ached, his group t.me/larpping

[*] Pictures:


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