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                                    |                 Table Of Contents                  |
                                    |    0x00 Introduction............................   |
                                    |    0x01 Reason..................................   |
                                    |    0x02 Personal Information....................   |
                                    |    0x03 Education...............................   |
                                    |    0x04 Social Media Accounts...................   |
                                    |    0x05 Family Members..........................   |
                                    |    0x06 Miscellaneous...........................   |
                                    |    0x07 Outro...................................   |
                                    |    0x08 Credits &amp; Links.....................   |


                                                     0x00   INTRODUCTION                            
		         	    ◤                                                       ◥
                                    wt, aka Philip Bronkley, the biggest retard muted me in a 
                                    discord server for stealing his egirl, now look what happend
                                    big ego retard dick rides me 24/7 keep muting me pedophile                 
				    ◣                                                       ◢


                                                     0x01    REASON
		         	    ◤                                                       ◥
                                    muted me in a discord server        
				    ◣                                                       ◢

                                                      0x02 PERSONAL INFORMATION
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
Legal Name.................... Philip Bronkley
Occupation.................... pedophile
Gender........................ Male
Age........................... 16
Mobile Phone Number........... 281-802-3479 
Passwords..................... CIC1999 / N/A
Direct Address................ 7 Brink StMarathon, NY 13803, USA
Country....................... NY
State......................... United States
City.......................... marathon
ZIP........................... 13803
Email(s)...................... hacker@gmail.com, root@gmail.com, dox@gmail.com, hacker@outlook.com, ddos@riseup.net
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                   0x03    Education
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
School Name................... tommy douglas secondary school
School Address................ 4020 Major MacKenzie Dr W, Woodbridge, ON L4H 4E9, Canada
School Phone.................. 289-342-0001
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                   0x04 SOCIAL MEDIA
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
IG: https://www.instagram.com/wt/
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                  0x05 FAMILY INFORMATION
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
                                                     (Mums info)

Legal Name.................... Roberta Jo Bumgarner
Occupation.................... Retired
Gender........................ Female
D.O.B......................... 01-1952
Age........................... 69
Mobile Phone Number........... 281-802-3479
Passwords..................... IWuvMySon

                                                     (Dads info)

Legal Name.................... Dead
Occupation.................... Dead
Gender........................ Dead
D.O.B......................... Dead
Age........................... Dead
Mobile Phone Number........... Dead
Passwords..................... Dead
Direct Address................ Dead
Country....................... Dead
State......................... Dead
City.......................... Dead
ZIP........................... Dead
Email(s)...................... Dead

 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                      0x06 Miscellaneous
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
Type of Owner	INDIVIDUAL
Estimated Market Value	$206,700
Year Assessed	2020
Assessed Value Total	$155,320
Assessed Value Land	$25,600
Assessed Value Improvements	$129,720
Tax Bill Amount	$2,310
Year Built	1997
Building Area (sf)	1,233
Area 1st Floor	499
Area 2nd Floor	734
Area Lot (acres)	0.0742
Area Lot (sf)	3,232
Area Parking Garage (sf)	380
Bath Rooms	1

10/15/2010		BUMGARNER,ROBERTA J	$0	$66,800	$0	0%

10/15/2010		BUMGARNER,ROBERTA J	$0	$66,800	$0	0%

10/15/2010		BUMGARNER,ROBERTA J	$0	$66,800	$0	0%

10/15/2010		BUMGARNER,ROBERTA J	$0	$66,800	$0	0%

10/15/2010		BUMGARNER,ROBERTA J	$0	$66,800	$0	0%

 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                      0x07 Outro
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
ye unmute me rn
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥

                                                     0x08 Credits &amp; Links
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥
 ◤                                                                                                                     ◥