______    _______ .______        ______   .__   __.    .___________. __    __   _______     __    __   __    __  .__   __. .___________.
 /  __  \  |   ____||   _  \      /  __  \  |  \ |  |    |           ||  |  |  | |   ____|   |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  \ |  | |           |
|  |  |  | |  |__   |  |_)  |    |  |  |  | |   \|  |    `---|  |----`|  |__|  | |  |__      |  |__|  | |  |  |  | |   \|  | `---|  |----`
|  |  |  | |   __|  |   _  <     |  |  |  | |  . `  |        |  |     |   __   | |   __|     |   __   | |  |  |  | |  . `  |     |  |     
|  `--'  | |  |     |  |_)  |    |  `--'  | |  |\   |        |  |     |  |  |  | |  |____    |  |  |  | |  `--'  | |  |\   |     |  |     
 \______/  |__|     |______/      \______/  |__| \__|        |__|     |__|  |__| |_______|   |__|  |__|  \______/  |__| \__|     |__|     
Funny joke... https://twitter.com/fatvandora/status/1304432956593799168?cxt=HHwWgICwsZy3o5okAAAA 
I for one think this dox is a little funny.
 [                                                           ALIASES / PSUEDONYMS                                                                ]
                Alias(s):									Psyedonyms:
		Vandora								                Isak
 [                                                           BASIC INFORMATION                                                                   ]

Name: Isak Hanssen
Age: 16 
Birthday - June 19th 2005 
Location: Oslo, Norway

Address: Sannergata 7 B,0557 Oslo

Ethnicity: White

hanssenisak@gmail.com - Confirmed through multiple database leaks

hofhacker2@gmail.com  - Current Email

isak0906@hotmail.com - Confirmed through multiple database leaks

 [                                                           HOME INFORMATION                                                                   ]

- Address: Sannergata 7 B,0557 Oslo
- Town/city: Oslo
- Country: Kingdom of Norway
- House Type: Apartment
- bathrooms: x-x-x-x-
- Property Size: Isak's Apartment is 567 m² large.
- House Price: -x-x-x--x-x

[                                                           SOCIALS                                                                             ]

  » YouTube:
     - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdPeRg0NGAkWlmds1vE3jjA/
		Archived videos:
  - Twitter: 
     - https://twitter.com/fatvandora
  - Discord: - yaque#5966 (352453621989900288) - MAIN
  - Minecraft - Vandora (https://namemc.com/profile/3ac4414d-7d6e-4af9-b095-9ad01b7eb4bf)

  - Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/1aaymhz8oluw4u4aossokzvxw
  - Misc Socials
- https://www.lunar.gg/u/VANDORA
- https://www.certix.cc/index.php?route=/profile/Vandora/
- https://hypixel.net/threads/why-i-quit-bedwars.1572150/
- https://cavepvp.org/index.php?members/vandora.115/

[                                                          PHONE NUMBER                                                                        ]
  » Phone Number Partials:
                            PayPal - +47 9– — 675
                            Outlook / Gmail = — — — -75

  »  Mobile Number:     +47 (9-2276675) (Primary Phone)
				Valid: true
				Country: "Kingdom Of Norway"
				Carrier: "x-x-x-x-x-x-x"
				Type: "mobile"
 [                                                        Database Entries + Email Information                                                   ]

Email	hanssenisak@gmail.com
Username	hanssenisak
Name	IsakCraft

Email	hanssenisak@gmail.com
Username	YayIgoyALife

Email	hanssenisak@gmail.com
Password	Harvy

Email	isak0906@hotmail.com
Username	isak0906
Hash	$2a$10$MvFl/CDJfBrdGncFYcO/R.L3jYUIzPFMgJaWESSUizchIMFBGzKpy
Name	Isak Hanssen
 [                                                             Notice For Vandora                                                               ]

This information was gathered via public resources and nothing was obtained illegally.
Accept the dox or else I will put more time into this.

At the end of the we can all look back and laugh.... with love ofb