   ║  aboutdead ║
╔══╝    ‾‾‾‾    ╚═══════╦═══════════════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════════════════╦═════════════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╦══════╗
║ ▓▓  Introduction   ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                         ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                 ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                  ▓▓ ║  0x00  ║  ▓▓  ║
                                                                        -- REASONS: --	
                                                                - wizzes discord servers
                                                                - token logs people and claims to be harmful
                                                                - ask little girls for nudes
                                                                - has autism

                                                         FORMAT Designed by 0 0 9 0 : https://doxbin.net/user/0090  | My Telegram: https://t.me/aboutdead
                                                                          › UPDATE ##01 12/15/23 // - repasting since shit information

   ║  aboutdead ║
╔══╝    ‾‾‾‾    ╚═══════╦═══════════════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════════════════╦═════════════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╦══════╗
║ ▓▓  Anthony B      ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                         ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                 ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                  ▓▓ ║  0x01  ║  ▓▓  ║

» Name:                                                    Anthony B
» Pseudonyms:                                              "Demolish", "Kemur", "antmazr"

» IRLs:                                                    https://files.catbox.moe/6s1dpq.png

» AGE:                                                     16  
» DOB:                                                     2008
                                                             └── ??/??/08

» Native Language:                                         English
» Race:                                                    Mixed

» Gender:                                                  Male
» Hair Colour:                                             Brown

» Sexual Orientation:                                      Straight

» Phone Number:                                            +1 514 582 4897
                                                            └── CNAM: MONTREAL QC
                                                            └── Carrier: Disabled
                                                            └── Type: Mobile
                                                            └── Status: Deleted

   ║  aboutdead ║
╔══╝    ‾‾‾‾    ╚═══════╦═══════════════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════════════════╦═════════════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╦══════╗
║ ▓▓   Address       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                         ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                 ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                  ▓▓ ║  0x02  ║  ▓▓  ║

» Home Address:                                            7104 Avenue Rondeau ANJOU QC H1K 2P2
                                                               ^ 2 Bedrooms
                                                                 ^ 2 Bathrooms
                                                                   ^ ?? sqft
                                                                     ^ Year Built ??
» City:                                                    Montreal
» Time Of Residence:                                       ?? to Current 
» Photo Of Home:                                           https://files.doxing.expert/gldt1Ok7.png
» Rent:                                                    $1,397/month

» Zip Code:                                                912

» Long, Lat:                                               45.614350, -73.548000

   ║  aboutdead ║
╔══╝    ‾‾‾‾    ╚═══════╦═══════════════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════════════════╦═════════════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╦══════╗
║ ▓▓   IP INFO       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                         ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                 ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                  ▓▓ ║  0x03  ║  ▓▓  ║

» IPv4:                                           
» ISP:                                                      Bell Canada
» Proxy:                                                    False

» Hostname:                                                 bas10-quebec14-70-53-179-108.dsl.bell.ca

» City:                                                     Montreal
» Region:                                                   Quebec
» Country:                                                  Canada

» ORG:                                                      AS577

» Long and Lat:                                             46.81228 -71.21454
» Assignment:                                               Likely Static IP

» Timezone:                                                 America/Toronto
» Usage Type:                                               ISP

» Type:                                                     Residential

       > > > Emails: 
    • ehlxtm@gmail.com
    • niouchaalma@hotmail.com
    • richinhate@gmail.com   

   ║  aboutdead ║
╔══╝    ‾‾‾‾    ╚═══════╦═══════════════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════════════════╦═════════════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╦══════╗
║ ▓▓  EMAIL INFO     ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                         ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                 ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                  ▓▓ ║  0x04  ║  ▓▓  ║

   »  ehlxtm@gmail.com                          / Replit
   »  Last Update: 2023-12-10 15:52:59 (UTC)  [L] Spotify | wisphill#0
   »  UID: 111287691007869310502                \ Github 
   »  Status: Active                              \ 
» Photo                                                     https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjVOp9Nq-Ega-QfXe1w9aQiMBfZEo0t3A-cRqklSeUwMMT8
» Name:                                                     antmazr

» Google Maps:                                              https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/111287691007869310502
» Google Calender:                                          https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=ehlxtm@gmail.com
» Google Plus Archive:                                      https://web.archive.org/web/*/plus.google.com/111287691007869310502*

   »  Breaches: 

Email:  ehlxtm@gmail.com
Password:  anthoismy40105264
Link:  https://www.disneyplus.com/login/password

Email:  ehlxtm@gmail.com
Password:  anthoismy40105264
Link:  https://www.paypal.com/signin

Email:  ehlxtm@gmail.com
Password:  anthoismy40105264
Link:  https://www.roblox.com/Login

Email:  ehlxtm@gmail.com
Password:  luluA5050
Link:  https://www.paypal.com/signin


   »  richinhate@gmail.com                       / 
   »  Last Update: 2023-10-02 00:04:39 (UTC)  [L] Spotify | wisphill#0
   »  UID: 113099447447567958703                \ 
   »  Status: Alt                                 \ 
» Photo                                                     https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocI9igr8PqO3-q5UiX1Bd37cbhgy8hNaDl3-wm6ZHp52=mo
» Name:                                                     Ehloik Bas

» Google Maps:                                              https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/113099447447567958703
» Google Calender:                                          https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=richinhate@gmail.com
» Google Plus Archive:                                      https://web.archive.org/web/*/plus.google.com/113099447447567958703*

   »  Breaches: 

Hash: 2ccd3b63-2b7e-479b-99c2-d732ef967044
Name: 124494_CA_74.57.249.249_27-07-23.rar/Autofill/Microsoft Edge_Default.txt

Hash: 6d90441f-8774-498f-8431-ea02f39024f9
Name: 124494_CA_74.57.249.249_27-07-23.rar/Autofill/Google Chrome_Profile 3.txt

Hash: 79473466-fa68-4a74-b159-c7fd5899cadd
Name: 124494_CA_74.57.249.249_27-07-23.rar/Autofill/Google Chrome_Default.txt

Hash: 5d47f009-6f09-4979-b3ab-fb60a9651724
Name: US[77DE561765C8FF2703196B992D7EC903] [2023-04-03T11_02_49.4304450-07_00] lang-English (United States).rar/Autofills/Google_[Chrome]_Profile 4.txt

Hash: 6d90441f-8774-498f-8431-ea02f39024f9
Name: 124494_CA_74.57.249.249_27-07-23.rar/passwords.txt

Hash: e66862bf-7b2f-446b-b278-bbff32e09bd4
Name: @ARAB_LOGS 2.291M.txt [Part 55 of 58]
   ║  aboutdead ║
╔══╝    ‾‾‾‾    ╚═══════╦═══════════════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════════════════╦═════════════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╦══════╗
║ ▓▓  Moms Basic     ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                         ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                 ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                  ▓▓ ║  0x05  ║  ▓▓  ║

» Name:                                                    Nioucha-Alma Rodrigue

» IRLs:                                                    https://files.doxing.expert/dVubRF0i.png

» AGE:                                                     30's

» Native Language:                                         English
» Race:                                                    Mixed

» Gender:                                                  Female
» Hair Colour:                                             Black

» Sexual Orientation:                                      Straight

» Occupation:                                              Financial management advisor

» Phone Number:                                            +1 (514) 385-1526
                                                            └── CNAM: RODRIGUE,N
                                                            └── Carrier: Disabled
                                                            └── Type: Mobile
                                                            └── Status: Deleted
                                                           +1 (514) 343-6111
                                                            └── CNAM: QUEBEC CANADA
                                                            └── Carrier: Disabled
                                                            └── Type: Mobile
                                                            └── Status: Deleted
   ║  aboutdead ║
╔══╝    ‾‾‾‾    ╚═══════╦═══════════════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════════════════╦═════════════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╦══════╗
║ ▓▓  Moms Address   ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                         ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                 ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                  ▓▓ ║  0x06  ║  ▓▓  ║

» Home Address:                                            4125 Lacordaire , Montréal QC, H1M2N9
                                                               ^ 2 Bedrooms
                                                                 ^ 2 Bathrooms
                                                                   ^ ?? sqft
                                                                     ^ Year Built 1956
» City:                                                    Montreal
» Time Of Residence:                                       ?? to Current 
» Photo Of Home:                                           https://files.doxing.expert/uZrW1dTq.png
» Value:                                                   $659,000

» Zip Code:                                                H1M2N9

» Long, Lat:                                               45.575390, -73.549540
   ║  aboutdead ║
╔══╝    ‾‾‾‾    ╚═══════╦═══════════════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════════════════╦═════════════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╦══════╗
║ ▓▓  Moms Email     ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                         ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                 ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                  ▓▓ ║  0x07  ║  ▓▓  ║

   »  niouchaalma@hotmail.com                   / Adobe
   »  Last Update: 2023-07-10 04:53:45 (UTC)  [L] Spotify | wisphill#0
   »  UID: 102037087738157979864                \ Fanpop
   »  Status: Kinda Inactive                     \ 
» Photo                                                     https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjUYF82t4GKB411qHJuGiavEo0xZL_rMXeA1lrWpYgE9pA
» Name:                                                     Nioucha Rodrigue

» Google Maps:                                              https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102037087738157979864
» Google Calender:                                          https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=niouchaalma@hotmail.com
» Google Plus Archive:                                      https://web.archive.org/web/*/plus.google.com/102037087738157979864*

» Skype:                                                    niouchaalma@hotmail.com
                                                            └── Name: Nioucha-Alma Rodrigue
                                                            └── Id: live:niouchaalma
                                                            └── Contact Type: Skype4Consumer
                                                            └── Gender: Unspecified
                                                            └── Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:niouchaalma/public

   »  Breaches: 

Email:  niouchaalma@hotmail.com
Data:  INSERT INTO pre_ucenter_members VALUES ('3273258','Chaton12','9487954a32a5d2b5bb24c1c79ac2dc22','','','','','1484492513','0','0','117468','');
Leak base:  ggcorp

    "took": 268,
    "size": 5,
    "results": {
        "1149_GGCORP_ME_2M_GAMING_082022": [
                "username": "Chaton12",
                "email": "niouchaalma@hotmail.com",
                "lastip": "",
                "hash": "9487954a32a5d2b5bb24c1c79ac2dc22",
                "salt": "117468",
                "uid": "3273258",
                "regdate": "1484492513"
        "0313_ADOBE_COM_151M_SOFTWARE_102013": [
                "email": "niouchaalma@hotmail.com",
                "hash": "qREES6emhpZqc5J9JdrO6w=="
        "0001_STEALERLOGS_NA_106M_MALWARE_2023": [
                "email": "niouchaalma@hotmail.com",
                "password": "Soleil11!",
                "host": "https://doxbin.org/register"
                "email": "niouchaalma@hotmail.com",
                "password": "Soleil11!",
                "host": "https://www.disneyplus.com/login/password"
                "email": "niouchaalma@hotmail.com",
                "password": "anthoismy40105264",
                "host": "https://www.disneyplus.com/login/password"

   »  nioucha-alma.rodrigue@umontreal.ca         / 
   »  Last Update: ??                          [L] Office365 | wisphill#0
   »  UID: ??                                    \ 
   »  Status: ??                                  \ 

   ║  aboutdead ║
╔══╝    ‾‾‾‾    ╚═══════╦═══════════════════════════════╦═══════════════════════════════════════╦═════════════════════════════╦════════════════════════════════════════╦════════╦══════╗
║ ▓▓   CREDITS       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                         ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                 ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                       ▓▓ ║ ▓▓                                  ▓▓ ║  0x08  ║  ▓▓  ║

› Main Doxer:     aboutdead
                  └── https://doxbin.net/user/aboutdead
                                                                /= ___  \      ||::::::==========                          
                                                               |- /~~~\  |     ||::::::==========
                                                               |=( '.' ) |     ||================ 
                                                               \__\_=_/__/     ||================
                                                                {_______}      ||================
                                                              /` *       `'--._||
                                                             /= .[goodnight.]  { >
                                                            /  /|        |`'--'|| 
                                                           (   )\_______/      ||
                                                            \``\/       \      ||
› Template:      0090                                        `-| ==    \_|     ||
                 └──  https://t.me/cbryr                       /         |     ||
                 └──  https://doxbin.net/user/0090            |=   >\  __/     ||
                                                              \   \ |- --|     ||                    
                                                               \ __| \___/     ||
                                                               _{__} _{__}     ||
                                                              (    )(    )     || 
                                                             ^^~  `"""  `"""  ~^^^~^^~~~^^^~^^^~^^^~^^~^