٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ Gustav764 Dox made by Chain/Act —-———————————- Table Of Contents ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ———————————————————————— 1. Aliases/Usernames 2. Information (Includes Family) 3. Socials 4. Emails and passwords 5. Ending Message/Credits ———————————————————————— _______ _ _________ _______ _______ ( ___ )( \ \__ __/( ___ )( ____ \ | ( ) || ( ) ( | ( ) || ( \/ | (___) || | | | | (___) || (_____ | ___ || | | | | ___ |(_____ ) | ( ) || | | | | ( ) | ) | | ) ( || (____/\___) (___| ) ( |/\____) | |/ \|(_______/\_______/|/ \|\_______) Gustav Andrej CvltGustav Gustav764 GustavXFH (He didnt use much aliases, his most used alias is Gustav764) ————————————————-——————-- _________ _ _______ _______ \__ __/( ( /|( ____ \( ___ ) ) ( | \ ( || ( \/| ( ) | | | | \ | || (__ | | | | | | | (\ \) || __) | | | | | | | | \ || ( | | | | ___) (___| ) \ || ) | (___) | \_______/|/ )_)|/ (_______) Name: Luca Kenney Brothers Name: Ethan Kenney Moms Name: Elizabeth Kenney (No info was found on his dad) Address: 935 Milford Dr Kingston ON K7P 1X8 Canada Lucas Age:17 Ethans Age:14 Elizabeths Age:47 ——————— Sils Insta:pukenblood lucas snap: (Deleted)gustav764 (Short since he deleted almost all his socials) —————————————————————-————— Emails gustav@fbi.ac gustav@courvix.com gustav764@criminal.li gustav@abuse.cx gustav764@gmail.com (Detrace Email) andrej123@fbi.ac Passwords: CrazyKiller5!1@, AndrejLol@);7, ———————————————————————————————————-——— Ending Message: I will be quitting com to focus on my last year of highschool, I will be staying in com until fall of 2023, Com has brought many new faces to me such as Cashiola, dopeboykash, hellion, jarik, javin, Convict/Omi, Synq, o_o/anime boy and a lot of other friends. It was a fun expeience in com and I wish whoever listed and other people a wonderful time while im away. Dear, Chain/Adam —————————————————————————————————————————————-- Credits: Chain Starring Host: Chain Co-Host: Chain Filmer: Chain xoxo -