_                                  _                         
                                    | |                                | |                        
                                  __| | ___  ___ ___  __ _ ___  ___  __| | __      _______      __
                                 / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \/ _` | \ \ /\ / / _ \ \ /\ / /
                                 | (_| |  __/ (_|  __/ (_| \__ \  __/ (_| |  \ V  V / (_) \ V  V / 
                                  \__,_|\___|\___\___|\__,_|___/\___|\__,_|   \_/\_/ \___/ \_/\_/  

                                             |   ╔─────────────────────────────────────╗ |
                                             |   @ 0x1 | Reason...................... @  |
                                             |   @ 0x2 | Introduction................ @  |
                                             |   @ 0X3 | Personal Information........ @  |
                                             |   @ 0x4 | Family Information.......... @  |
                                             |   @ 0x5 | Social Media................ @  |
                                             |   @ 0x6 | IP Info......................@  |
                                             |   @ 0x7  | Outro.......................@  |
                                             |  ╚─────────────────────────────────────╝  |

|                                                            0x01 REASON                                                          |
                                       → Larping as a 15 year old to groom underaged girls
                                       → Claims to be part of a large hacking group and will hack anyone who refuses to send nudes

|                                                        0x02 INTRODUCTION                                                        |
                                         Wayne is a pedophile and will do anything to get nudes of a minor 
                                         thinks hes some big shot hacker but hes actually a roleplay hacker

|         0x03 PERSONAL INFORMATION                                                                                               |
>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<                                        -
Legal Name.................... Wayne Smith
Occupation.................... Muddy Cup Coffee House
Gender........................ Male
D.O.B......................... 01/10/1970
Age........................... 50
Mobile Phone Number........... (412) 766 3329
Passwords..................... SmithC1970 | OBDROCKS132
Direct Address................ 128 Lincoln Ave Bellevue PA
Country....................... Pennsylvania
State......................... United States
City.......................... Washington
ZIP........................... 15202

|         0x04 FAMILY INFORMATION                                                                                                 |
>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<                                        -

Legal Name.................... Demi Smith
Occupation.................... Don't work
Gender........................ Female
D.O.B......................... 08/01/2003
Age........................... 17
Mobile Phone Number........... (978) 735-8351
Passwords..................... N/A
Direct Address................ 128 Lincoln Ave Bellevue PA
Country....................... Pennsylvania
State......................... United States
City.......................... Washington
ZIP........................... 15202

|         0x05 SOCIAL MEDIA                                                                                                       |
>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<                                        -

→ https://www.facebook.com/wayne.smith.7330

|         0x06 IP INFO                                                                                                            |
IP................ (possible vpn)

|         0x07 OUTRO                                                                                                              |
steve from tmobile#1234