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                          Raped By Switcher, Abuse and Tonic

                                 ━━Table Of Contents━━
                                  [0x01] Introduction
                                  [0x02] Personal Information
                                  [0x03] Pictures & Nudes
                                  [0x04] Social Media Accounts
                                  [0x05] Email and Password Information
                                  [0x06] Property Information
                                  [0x07] Financial Information
                                  [0x08] Family Information
                                  [✗ ✗ ✗] Additional Notes
                                         ♡ 0x01                                            
Firstly I'd like to welcome everyone to this paste

This paste includes old and new information on the known paedophile in the minecraft community
Jack Stuart or more commonly known as "Uphelds"

Jack is a very interesting character, He claims to have harmed and doxed many people and also 
claims to be rich in bitcoin & Paypal. these claims are all false. Jack is nothing but a 
harmless larp. 
Jack also claims to have received some sort of swatting method for $20 from known hcfer

Jack likes to hide on his aliases which include Extort & Haunted

Moving on from Jack claiming to be rich & harmful, Jack also is found to be e-dating and 
manipulating girls aged 14-16 whilst he's 20. He gets these girls to perform sexual acts and send
videos to pleasure jack. He is a sick adopted bastard and deserves nothing in life.

After Jack was exposed for his disgusting behaviour involving minors Jack claimed to have just turned
18 and he was 17 at the time of these screenshots, this is in fact false and anyone who defends Jack
is an idiot.  
Finally aside from all of this, Jack is a rather big snake to his friends. Switching up 
on them whenever it benefits him. He is very bipolar and will do anything for power.

I've gotten many reports on Jack Stuart & many meessages from anonymous individuals showing me 
evidence about Jack and these claims. and I'm here to put a stop to this.

So without further ado Lets take this paedo down yeah?

All information has been confirmed by multiple sources
Who were/are close with Jack

                                        ♡ 0x02                                     

✗ Personal Information
[Alias][s]………………………………………… Uphelds, Jack, Extort_, Haunted
[Full Name]……………………………………… Jack Damian Stuart
[Age]……………………………………………………… 20
[Date Of Birth]…………………………… 07/30/2001
[Gender]……………………………………………… Male
[Phone Number]……………………………… +44 7946 313522 (Personal) +44 7801 993376 and +44 7488 302645 (Work)
[Old High School]……………………… Bristnall Hall High School
[Old College]………………………………… Dudley College
[Occupation]…………………………………… Does Photography, Claims to be a Mechanic.
[Current Address]……………………… 92 Brook Road, Oldbury, Birmingham,  B68 8AD 
[Born]…………………………………………………… Portsmouth   

                                        ♡ 0x03                                      

✗ Pictures Of Jack                                              
✗ Jacks Nudes                                             
✗ Baby Pictures Of Jack                               
                                        ♡ 0x04                                         

✗ Social Media Accounts
✗ Discord
- haunted#9027 

- Uphelds#2384 (Old)

✗ Instagram
- https://www.instagram.com/jack4kshots/ (Photography Business Page)
- https://www.instagram.com/jackfxedits/ (Old Media Page)

✗ Twitter
- https://twitter.com/UpheldsYT (Jacked)

✗ Facebook
- https://www.facebook.com/jack.stuart.90281/
- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100073310733158&sk

✗ Tiktok
- https://www.tiktok.com/@jackedby6ix? (Jacked)
- https://www.tiktok.com/@uphelds?

✗ Telegram
- https://t.me/UpheldsXD

✗ Snapchat
- https://www.snapchat.com/add/jack.xstuart
- https://www.snapchat.com/add/j.scb (Old)

✗ Youtube
- https://www.youtube.com/c/uphelds 

✗ Doxbin
- https://doxbin.com/user/Uphelds
- https://doxbin.com/user/exort_ 

✗ NameMC
- https://namemc.com/profile/Uphelds.11
- https://namemc.com/profile/JACKEDBYDORVY.1
- https://namemc.com/profile/Lasey.7
- https://namemc.com/profile/FUUUUCKNIIIGGERS.1
- https://namemc.com/profile/LELISGAY.1

Extra Info 
- https://allmylinks.com/doxxer
- https://www.lunar.gg/u/Uphelds
- https://www.veltpvp.com/u/Uphelds
- https://cavepvp.org/index.php?members/uphelds.1246/
- https://sagepvp.org/forum/members/uphelds.6219/
- https://vanitymc.co/members/uphelds.19482/
- https://www.vipermc.net/members/uphelds.6414/

                                          ♡ 0x05                                         

✗ Email and Password Information

✗ Websites Jack Has Signed Up To

j4ckstuart@gmail.com        j4ckuphelds@gmail.com         jackstuart@icloud.com        jackuphelds@gmail.com

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━       ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━        ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━       ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
[+] adobe.com               [+] deliveroo.com             [+] instagram.com            [+] google.com 
[+] codecademy.com          [+] google.com                                             [+] pornhub.com
[+] deliveroo.com           [+] snapchat.com                                           [+] twitter.com
[+] discord.com                                               (                                 _
[+] google.com                                                 )                               /=>
[+] instagram.com                                             (  +____________________/\/\___ / /|
[+] issuu.com                                                  .''._____________'._____      / /|/\
[+] pornhub.com                                                : () :              :\ ----\|    \ )
[+] samsung.com                                                 '..'______________.'0|----|      \
[+] spotify.com                                                                  0_0/____/        \
[+] tellonym.me                                                                      |----    /----\
[+] twitter.com                                                                     || -\\ --|      \
                                                                                    ||   || ||\      \
                                                                                     \\____// '|      \
                                                                                             .'/       |
                                                                                            .:/        |
✗ Jacks Passwords ( Login ) 
✗ 74Nh836M 74Nh836M! 74Nh836M, 74Nh836M$ 
Basically uses the same password for every account. 

                                          ♡ 0x06                                    

✗ Property Details                                             
- Sale History 
Latest Sale:  £99,500                                  
Sale Date: 25th Jul 2003                                   
Property Type: Semi-Detached                             
Tenure: Freehold                                            
Value: £145,156                                        
Picture of house: https://prnt.sc/2037ov3                     
Address 92 Brook Road, Oldbury, Birmingham,  B68 8AD               
                                         ♡ 0x07                                           

✗ Financial Information

✗ Card Information
Card Type: Master Card
Card Holder Name: Jack Stuart
Card Number: 5375900082040145
Expiry Date: 09/22
CVV: 332
Picture Of Card: https://prnt.sc/2076zu6

✗ Paypal Login
Email: j4ckstuart@gmail.com
Password: 74Nh836M

                                         ♡ 0x08                                           

✗ Family Information

✗ Adoptive-Mother 
Name: Jude Oliver

Gender: Female

Age: 63

Address: 92 Brook Road, Oldbury, Birmingham,  B68 8AD

Picture: https://prnt.sc/2078tln, https://prnt.sc/2078vez, https://prnt.sc/2078xn6

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jude.oliver.12

Instagram: https://instagram.com/jude7625?utm_medium=copy_link

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Judeoliver20/

✗ Adoptive-Father
Name: Graham Stokes

Gender: Male

Age: 67

Address: 92 Brook Road, Oldbury, Birmingham,  B68 8AD 

Picture: https://gyazo.com/ae70a7f5eabac368787d5e623778d683 https://gyazo.com/8ad72d1d538bcaf68c4b4e5cb7862744

Instagram: https://instagram.com/god1877?utm_medium=copy_link

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/graham.stokes.50

(Blind and diabetic)

✗ Biological Mother
Name: Ruth Curtis

Gender: Female

Age: 45

Picture: https://gyazo.com/5d503d3fc7f483f880641e37cac35f6d

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruth.curtis.315

Lives: Portsmouth

Has 5 Kids (Won't be posted)

✗ Biological Father
Left Ruth Curtis to take care of Jack by
herself which lead to Jack being
put up for adoption.

✗ Step-Sister
Name: Beth Penn / Growcott

Picture: https://gyazo.com/48326d1f3a3a343cafaf89fcefc44fa9 https://gyazo.com/ca677faa83bd825c66ed23940b293acf

Age: 37

DOB: 04/15/84

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethsayshi

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beth_penn16/

Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8pEA3vJ/

Has 1 kid (won't be posted)

Married 25th of august 2015

(Has motor neurone disease)

✗ Step-Sisters Ex and Childs Father
Name: Miles Growcott

Age: 42

Picture: https://gyazo.com/9bdb41c00a1dfac9f94975bd28773224

Phone: +44 7814 458285

Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/Miles_g86


✗ Biological Sister
Name: Leigha Stuart:

Picture: https://gyazo.com/c0fd5fef91f0f9bc630687cf91ab522c

Age: 18

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leigha.stuart.75

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                                         ✗ ✗ ✗                                       
✗ Updated by Switcher, Abuse and Tonic ✗
- Format……………………… https://doxbin.com/user/decievability
- Original Dox……… https://doxbin.com/upload/UpheldsJackStuartPedo

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