                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                           ooooooooo.   oooooo   oooo ooooo              .o.       ooooo      ooo                             |
                 |                          `888   `Y88.  `888.   .8'  `888'             .888.      `888b.     `8'                              |
                 |                           888   .d88'   `888. .8'    888             .8"888.      8 `88b.    8                               |
                 |                           888ooo88P'     `888.8'     888            .8' `888.     8   `88b.  8                               | 
                 |                           888`88b.        `888'      888           .88ooo8888.    8     `88b.8                               |
                 |                           888  `88b.       888       888       o  .8'     `888.   8       `888                               | 
                 |                           o888o  o888o     o888o     o888ooooood8 o88o     o8888o o8o        `8                              | 
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                                                       CREDITS                                                                |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                               / 											        |
		 |  [All Information]  Anonymous    <->                                 		     	                                |   
                 |                               \                                                                                              |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                               / 											        |
		 |  [Template]    Krone        <->  https://doxbin.com/user/krone			     	                                |   
                 |                               \                                                                                              |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                               /                                                                                              |									
		 |  [system]   System info    <->                               			     	                                |   
                 |                               \                                                                                              |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                                                    NOTES   (READ)                                                            |
                 |   1 This is a small dox as I am gradually collecting more information to work up to an actual full dox                       |                                                                                                  
                 |   2 Some information may be incorrect as im still looking for confirmations on some listed information                       |
                 |   3 will upload full doxxes in the future                                                                                    |
                 |                                                                                                                              |  
                 |  - Him admitting to sending rat files to random people                              » Picture 02   : All photos on discord   |            
                 |  - Him starting to stress as i found out what school he attends                     » Picture 03   : All photos on discord   |           
                 |  - Admittance to blackmailing tons of people	                                       » Picture 04   : All photos on discord   |
                 |  - Decompiling his rat file                                                         » Picture 05   : All photos on discord  	|
                 |  - Him beaming roblox accounts (retarded nigger can hardly make a phishing link)    » Picture 06   : All photos on discord   |
                 |                                                       RYLAN                                                                  |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |   » Main Alias               : Rylan                                                                                         |
                 |   » Online Alias             : Kadash                                                                                        |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |    » First Name              : Rylan                                                                                         |
                 |    » Last  name              : Braxton                                                                                       |            
                 |    » Mothers name            : Hannah                                                                                        |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |    » Age                     : 15                                                                                            |
                 |    » DOB                     : 11/7/2008                                                                                     |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                                                                                                                              | 
                 |    » Sex                     : Male                                                                                          |
                 |    » Sexual orientation      : Straight                                                                                      |                    
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |    » Country Of Citizenship  : New Zealand                                                                                   |
                 |    » Location                : Christchurch, NZ                                                                              |
                 |    » Place of birth          : Christchurch, NZ                                                                              |
                 |    » Political Affiliation   : N/A	                                                                                        | 
                 |    » Native Language         : English	                                                                                |         
                 |    » Religion                : Atheist                                                                                       | 
                 |    » Zodiac Sign             : N/A                                                                                           |             
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |     Found [2]                                                                                                                |
                 |    » Number                  : 64272408050                                                                                   |                            
                 |    » Number                  : 64272408050                                                                                   |
        	 |											                                        |
                 |    » Home Address            : 37 Neill Street, Hornby, Christchurch City							|
                 |    » school                  : South hornby primary school of NZ                                                             |  
                 |    » State                   : N/A                                                                                           | 
                 |    » County                  : New Zealand                                                                                   |
                 |    » Area code               : 8013                                                                                          | 
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |    » Time of Residence:      : N/A                                                                                           | 
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                                                                                                                              |  
                 |    » Main Email: (1)         : rylanwadebraxton@gmail.com                                                                    |
                 |    » Main Email: (2)         :  rylan.clark@icloud.com                                                                       |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                                                         MEDIA                                                                |
                 |  » TikTok     :  https://www.tiktok.com/@1Wkadash                                                                            |
                 |  » Twitch     :  https://www.twitch.tv/bhracks                                                                               |
                 |  » Roblox     :  https://www.roblox.com/users/2528890927/profile                                                             |
                 |  » Snap[U]    :  Rylan2022110                                                                                                |
                 |  » Pink bike  :  https://www.pinkbike.com/u/rylan.clark@icloud.com/                                                           |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                                                   HOUSE INFORMATION                                                          |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 | » Address               : 37 Neill Street, Hornby, Christchurch City	                                                        |
                 | » Type of home          : Single home                                                                                        |
                 | » Square Feet           : 404.50m2                                                                                           |
                 | » Beds                  : 3                                                                                                  |
                 | » Baths                 : 1                                                                                                  |
                 | » Garage space          : 2 car                                                                                              |
                 | » Year Built            : 1999                                                                                               |
                 | » Rent fee              : $663                                                                                               |
                 | » Flooring type         : wood                                                                                               |
                 | » School district       : South hornby primary school of NZ                                                                  |
                 |                                                  SCHOOL INFORMATION                                                          |  
                 |  Annual School report of 2022                                                                                                |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 | » School roll           : 213 members                                                                                        |
                 | » Address               : 35 Amyes Road, Hornby, Christchurch 8042                                                           |
                 | » Phone                 : 349 7561                                                                                           |
                 | » Fax                   : 349 7501                                                                                           |
                 | » e-mail:               : admin@southhornby.school.nz                                                                        |
                 |                                                                                                                              |                                                                                                                                                                                                           
                 | » Location              : Christchurch                                                                                       |
                 | » MOE number            : 3507                                                                                               |
                 | » School Contributing   : Years 1 to 6                                                                                       |
                 | » School roll           : 213                                                                                                |
                 | » Gender composition    : Male 57% Female 43%                                                                                |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                                                         EMAIL                                                                |
                 |   Confirmed E-Mails                                                                                                          |
                 |  [1] rylanwadebraxton@gmail.com                                                                                              |
                 |  [2] rylan9jhd@southhornby.school                                                                                            |
                 |  [3] themythvibechecker@gmail.com                                                                                            |
                 |  [4] rylan.clark@icloud.com                                                                                                  |
                 |  																|		
                 |  [1] Mail                                                      [2] Skype 							|
                 | rylanwadebraxton@gmail.com                                     themythvibechecker@gmail.com 					|
                 | └─ Name                  : Rylan                                 └─ Name                    : nexus lol  		        |                      
                 |  »  Mail name            : synna 01 (synna01)                    » PFP                      : Default 		        |
                 |  »  Format               : Valid	                            » ID                       : 112894116390889345316		|
                 |  »  Server status        : Valid	                            » Contact Type             : N/A		                |
                 |  »  Type                 : Webmail	                            » Gender                   : Male				|		
                 |  »  Email status         : Accept all	                    » Registered IP            : 		                |
                 |  »  Guid		    : N/A                                   » Recovery:                : (•••) •••-••50 		|		               	        
                 |  »  PFP		    : Default                               » 2FA                      : N/A				|
                 |  »  ID                   : 104076033863575003328                 » Passwords:	       : N/A   				|                       
                 |  »  Passwords:           : N/A                                   » Email                    : Webmail  			|       
                 |  »  Recovery:            : (•••) •••-••50                        » Acceptance               : All				|                                                                      
                 |  »  Registered IP        : xxxxx                                 » Breached                 : Yes				|				             
                 |  »  Last Updated:        : 2023-12-21 04:25:05 (UTC)             » Last Updated:	       : 2024-01-08 02:25:01 (UTC)	|
                 |                                                                                                                              |                                                                                                                      
                 | _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|
                 |                                                      NETWORK                                                                 |
                 | _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|
                 |         Geographic Information           Network Information					        | 
		 |      ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾           ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾         ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                     			| 
                 |     Status: Online        │─ Country: USA                  │─ Usage: (ISP) Fixed Line ISP  					|            
                 |     VPN: False            │─ State: NJ                     │─ ISP: N/A							| 
		 |     Proxy: False          │─ City: Woodcliff               │─ AS Number: N/A							| 
		 |     Hosting: False        └─ Zipcode :08013                └─ Reverse DNS: N/A						| 
                 |     Mobile: False         │─ N/A                           └─N/A								| 
                 |     																| 
                 |    																| 
                 |      Listings                  Addresses                       Connectivity						        | 
                 |     ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾           ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾         ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾           				        |         
                 |     Status: Online        │─ D8-FC-93-11-33-3D            │─ Media disconnected                 			        | 
                 |     VPN: False            │─ FC-AA-14-95-66-14            │─ Device\Tcpip_{4AF4152D-91D9-47F9-96FB-F462FE0D9407}  	        | 
                 |     Proxy: False          │─ 00-FF-E3-3A-B2-81            │─ Media disconnected 					        | 
                 |     Hosting: False        └─ 00-FF-36-4A-50-41             └─ N/A                   			                        | 
		 | 															        | 
		 |   ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                  │ 
		 |   │ Physical Address     │  Transport Name                                                │	                                │
		 |   │ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │                                  │                                               
		 |   │ [X] Registrant Code  │  : N/A							     │	                                │                                     
		 |   │ [X] Registrant Code  │  : N/A	                                                     │	                                │                                                                      
		 |   │ [X] Registrant Code  │  : N/A							     │	                                │
		 |   │ [X] Display Name     │  : Sean							     │	                                │
		 |   │ [X] Hostname         │  : kdash						             │	                                │
		 |   │ [X] Username         │  : dash						             │	                                │
		 │   | [X] D8-FC-93-11-33-3D│  : Media disconnected 					     │	                                │ 
		 │   │ [X] FC-AA-14-95-66-14│  : Media Connected				             │	                                │ 
		 │   │ [X] 00-FF-E3-3A-B2-81│  : Media disconnected 	                                     │                                  │  
		 │   │ [X] 00-FF-36-4A-50-41│  : Media disconnected 					     │                                  │      
		 │   │ [X] N/A              │  : N/A  							     │                                  │  
		 │   └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘                                  │	 
                 |                                                      DISCORD INFORMATION                                                     |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 | » Sign up location : NZ                                         » Sign up location : NZ					|
		 | » Sign up IP       :                              » Sign up IP       : 				|
		 | » Username         : avvfexivr#0                                » Username         : kadddash#0 				|
                 | » Signup date      : Tue, 26 Sep 2023 09:00:59 UTC              » Signup date      : N/A					|
		 | » User ID          : 1156153438208528434                        » User ID          : 1133628883346919496       		|                                          
		 | » MFA enabled      : No                                         » MFA enabled      : No    					|                             
		 | » Email            : mastermacs123@gmail.com                    » Email            : seanelqaisi1234@gmail.com               |                                                                
                 | » Phone            : +64272408050                               » Phone            : (•••) •••-••••				|
		 | » Nitro            : No                                         » Nitro            : No 					|
		 | » Bot              : No                                         » Bot              : No					|	       
		 | » Password Strength: Easy                                       » Password Strength: Easy                                    |
		 | » Verification     : Yes                                        » Verification     : Yes                                     |
                 |                                                                                                                              | 
                 |   Password changes by date                                                                                                   | 
                 |   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                                                                  |   
                 |  Jan     Feb    Mar    Apr    May    Jun    Jul    Aug    Sep     Oct    Nov    Dec                                          |             
                 |  2023     2     x      3      1       1      x      1      x       x      x      1                                           |                             
                 |  2022     1     1      x      x       x      1      x      x       1      x      x                                           |                  
                 |  2021     x     x      x      2       1      x      1      x       x      x      1 	                                        | 	
                 |  2020     -     x      -      x       1      x      x      x       1      x      x                                           |         
                 |  2019     x     1      x      x       4      1      x      x       x      x      1                                           |   
                 |  2018     x     x      1      1       x      1      x      1       x      3      x                                           |                         
                 |  2017     x     x      1      x       x      x      1      x       x      x      x                                           |          						                                 
                 |  2016     2     x      x      1       -      1      x      1       x      2      x                                           |      
                 |  2015     x     1      x      x       x      x      x      2       x      x      x                                           |       		
                 |  2014     1     x      x      x       1      x      1      x       x      1      x                                           |    			
                 |  2013     x     x      1      x       x      1      x      1       x      x      1                                           |
                 |                                                      SYSTEM INFORMATION                                                      |
                 |                                                                                                                              |
                 |                          Host Name:                 DESKTOP-NFQS79I                                                          |
                 |                          OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 10 Home                                                |
                 |                          OS Version:                10.0.19045 N/A Build 19045                                               |
                 |                          OS Manufacturer:           Microsoft Corporation                                                    |
                 |                          OS Configuration:          Standalone Workstation                                                   |
                 |                          OS Build Type:             Multiprocessor Free                                                      |
                 |                          Registered Owner:          rylanwadebraxton@gmail.com                                               |
                 |                          Registered Organization:   N/A                                                                      |
                 |                          Product ID:                00326-10000-00000-AA731                                                  |
                 |                          Original Install Date:     8/09/2021, 5:15:02 am                                                    |
                 |                          System Boot Time:          21/11/2023, 8:40:54 pm                                                   |
                 |                          System Manufacturer:       Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.                                            |
                 |                          System Model:              G1.Sniper B5                                                             |
                 |                          System Type:               x64-based PC                                                             |
                 |                          Processor(s):              1 Processor(s) Installed.                                                |
                 |                          BIOS Version:              American Megatrends Inc. F2, 16/09/2014                                  |
                 |                          Windows Directory:         C:\WINDOWS                                                               |
                 |                          System Directory:          C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                      |
                 |                          Boot Device:               \Device\HarddiskVolume2                                                  |
                 |                          System Locale:             en-us;English (United States)                                            |
                 |                          Input Locale:              en-us;English (United States)                                            |
                 |                          Time Zone:                 (UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington                                         |
                 |                          Total Physical Memory:     16,239 MB                                                                |
                 |                          Available Physical Memory: 8,563 MB                                                                 |
                 |                          Virtual Memory: Max Size:  65,391 MB                                                                |
                 |                          Virtual Memory: Available: 5,883 MB                                                                 |
                 |                          Virtual Memory: In Use:    59,508 MB                                                                |
                 |                          Page File Location(s):     C:\pagefile.sys                                                          |
                 |                          Domain:                    WORKGROUP                                                                |
                 |                          Logon Server:              \\DESKTOP-NFQS79I                                                        |
                 |                          Hotfix(s):                 32 Hotfix(s) Installed.                                                  |
                 |                                                                                                                              |                      
                 | Template                                                    | Information                                                    |
                 | https://doxbin.com/user/krone                               | Anonymous                                                      |
                 | https://t.me/ilovehintwater                                 |                                                                |                                                                                                                      