________                                 .___ __________         ____  _____.   ____  ___ 
\______ \   _______  _____  ___ ____   __| _/ \______   \___.__. \   \/  \_ |__ \   \/  / 
 |    |  \ /  _ \  \/  \  \/  _/ __ \ / __ |   |    |  _<   |  |  \     / | __ \ \     /   
 |    `   (  <_> >    < >    <\  ___// /_/ |   |    |   \\___  |  /     \ | \_\ \/     \  
/_______  /\____/__/\_ /__/\_ \\___  \____ |   |______  // ____| /___/\  \|___  /___/\  \ 
        \/            \/     \/    \/     \/          \/ \/            \_/    \/      \_/ 

[!] Reason Of Dox [!]

[+] Uses The Nword And R also a lil bitch ong

[=] Main Info [=]

[+] Full Name: Talon ???
[+] Online Name/Aliaes: Niell, Niellyt
[+] Age: Unknown
[+] Race: White
[+] Address: 1112 Glendale Valley Rd
[+] IP Address:
[+] Country: United States
[+] Region: Oregon
[+] City: Roseburg
[+] ISP: Douglas FastNet
[+] Organization: Not available
[+] Coords: 42°44'27"N 123°23'07"W
[+] His Face: https://files.catbox.moe/kqnt7c.png

[=] Social Media [=]

[+] Discord: niellyt <894439079029129227>
[+] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOVngCuyLs2dIrFKNt-tVCA

[=] Proof For Reason Of Dox [=]

[+] https://files.catbox.moe/meah7i.png 
[+] https://files.catbox.moe/1qf6y5.png
[+] https://files.catbox.moe/g75tzt.png

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