//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                8888     ,88'  8888 888888888o.   888888888o `88888.      ,88'                                                                  //
//                                                                8888    ,88'   8888 8888    `88.  8888    `88.`88888.    ,88'                                                                   //
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//                                                                8888     `Y8.  8888 8888     `88. 888888888P        8888                                                                        //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                                abort <> rival <> zurc <> carry                                                                                 //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                                 The best shitty dox on DoxBin                                                                                  //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//  The original dox was made by the now disbanded clan, Kyura. The clan members responsible for the dox were Rival, Zurc and Carry. However, since the original dox was uploaded on Rival's,     //
//  old DoxBin account, crossbar, Kirby has still kept his big ego and kept on annoying the original authors of the dox. Since then Lucki has independently uploaded his own improved and more    //
//  recent dox which contained more information than its predecessor. Therefore, the authors of the original dox have decided to make one final dox on Kirby. The reason for this dox hasn't      //
//  changed; Kirby is a total retard with a huge ego. Please comment if you have any issues or feedback about the dox. Please 80% of this information has been confirmed by multiple sources.     //
//  The dox was reuploaded as the original got banned for CP. The links which host CP have been removed (DoxBin staff dont take down my pastes pls ^_^ ). Credits to kast for expanding.          //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//  First things first, let's start with an array of screenshots and videos of Kirby's proudest moments. These have been collected from Kirby's various social media accounts and messages        //
//  sent from Kirby's discord account. Therefore these screenshots are all real and if you have any question about the sources of any screenshots, feel free to comment on the dox.               //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//          https://streamable.com/boywt0 ( Kirby says nigger )                                         REDACTED ( Kirby compares his hand to his dick )                                          //
//          https://streamable.com/egxns4 ( Kirby lights a firework in his room )                       REDACTED ( Kirby shows us his dick )                                                      //
//          https://streamable.com/mpy3lh ( Kirby shows us his feet )                                   REDACTED ( Kirby compares his dick to a Twinx )                                           //
//          https://streamable.com/ie61pi ( Kirby shows us his feet again )                             REDACTED ( Kirby shows us his dick under a shirt )                                        //
//          https://streamable.com/iis92n ( Kirby shows us his snapchat call )                          REDACTED ( Kirby shows us his duck under a shirt #2 )                                     //
//          https://streamable.com/nz43ek ( Kirby extorts someone for nitro )                           REDACTED ( Kirby shows us his dick with stickers )                                        //
//          https://streamable.com/fi85pm ( Kirby bans rival from his server )                          https://streamable.com/7xecb9 ( Kirby sells CP )                                          //
//          https://streamable.com/otxyqt ( Kirby sends a doxer after rival )                           https://streamable.com/84dnlq ( Kirby's coder flexes an IP lookup )                       //
//          https://streamable.com/fl2u7p ( Kirby's doxer flexes stealer logs )                         https://streamable.com/ya5zc9 ( Kirby's doxer forgets about Whitepages )                  //
//          https://streamable.com/i4l1l9 ( Kirby's doxer ducks flashcards )                            https://streamable.com/yymkac ( Kirby falseclaims a swat )                                //
//          https://streamable.com/we23fz ( Kirby threatens to snitch )                                 https://streamable.com/hmthaq ( Kirby's calls himself harmless )                          //
//          https://streamable.com/w77xbl ( Kirby cries about his ex )                                  https://streamable.com/ptpby9 ( Kirby calls someones grandma a ugly fat nigger )          //
//          https://streamable.com/cdtwkx ( Kirby asks for doxxers and swatters )                       https://streamable.com/a3qr56 ( Kirby becomes a horny edater )                            //
//          https://streamable.com/tyog48 ( Kirby asks for a piss video )                               https://streamable.com/23tfqr ( Kirby gets arrested for CP )                              //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//   Now we will leak all of Kirby's socials so you can all contact and make fun of him. This low level degenerate often deletes his social media accounts so we will be updating this regularly. //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                  Twitter                           Medal                           Snapchat                           YouTube                            TikTok                                //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//               kirbyikr ( ACTIVE )             kirbyyuh ( ACTIVE )              tomidmane  ( ACTIVE )    tomi7262 ( UCoNorhI0kPYY6-m8kIKLeKw )   kirbyuh  ( 7162885278922999000 )               //
//              kirbyhmu ( DELETED )                                                                                   ( INACTIVE )                       ( ACTIVE )                              //
//             esexking69 ( DELETED )                                                                                                                                                             //
//            tomidmane  ( SUSPENDED )                                                                                                                                                            //
//             esexmaster69 ( ACTIVE )                                                                                                                                                            //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                   InstaGram                                       Discord                                         Roblox                                                       //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                              kirbyhmu ( SUSPENDED )               kirb#1234 ( 987617020797390869 ) ( ACTIVE )             kirbyhm (2938812628) ( ACTIVE )                                      //
//                               kirbyikr ( ACTIVE )                                                                         kirbyhym (4202251094) ( ACTIVE )                                     //
//                                                                                                                           kirbyqs (4182411113) ( ACTIVE )                                      //
//                                                                                                                        0rganic_Ace (3115182736) ( INACTIVE )                                   //
//                                                                                                                      savastefan3000 (3978940668) ( INACTIVE )                                  //
//                                                                                                                       d4rkk_v4mp (3419037148) ( INACTIVE )                                     //
//                                                                                                                    kirbygamingygt (1052083346) ( INACTIVE )                                    //
//                                                                                                                     kiroasa (2662103006) ( INACTIVE )                                          //
//                                                                                                                   NowFromTheTopMake3 (1990204592) ( INACTIVE )                                 //
//                                                                                                                    Talha243999 (3905817134) ( INACTIVE )                                       //
//                                                                                                                    ChonkyTomispielt ( 1607000571 ) ( INACTIVE )                                //
//                                                                                                                     ncrlocks ( 3504551262 ) ( INACTIVE )                                       //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//   Now for Kirby's personal information. Almost all of this has been confirmed and can't be falseclaimed. Comment down if you want any explanations on where we got this info from. Much of     //
//   this info came from Kirby's friends, genuinely sad. Next time, instead of posting your dick on twitter find some good friends.                                                               //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                 Personal                            Location                           Contact                                IP Address                                                       //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                 First Name: Tomi                    Country: Germany                   Phone Number: +49 176 32291879         IP: 141.58.121.[0-103-234]                                       //
//                 DOB: 16.08.2006                     City: Stuttgart                    Email: tommasoioan06@gmail.com         ISP: Universitaet Stuttgart                                      //
//                 Nationality: Romanian/German        State: Baden-Württemberg           Discord: kirb#1234                                                                                      //
//                                                     Address: Schickhardtstraße 57      Carrier: O2 Germany                                                                                     //
//                                                     Postal Code: 70199                                                                                                                         //
//                                                     Latitude: 48.7657836                                                                                                                       //
//                                                     Longitude: 9.1626282                                                                                                                       //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                                                                                                                                                //
//                                                                                               Tags                                                                                             //
//  doxbin dox swat extort doxx extort egirl simswap kirby kirbyhm kirbyuh nudes minor cp cheese pizza fed court zone newgen newfag minecraft roblox dahood discord snapchat doxxed doxed swatted //
//   As I'm sure you know by now. Kirby is a very retarded individual. He was doxxed 2 months before this but did nothing to cooperate or talk with us. He has also continued taunting us         //
//   multiple times. He has recently started selling CP and was recently fedded and arrested for CP. He was arrested at the time of this dox being uploaded so I will be updating this            //
//   with articles once they have been posted by the relevant news agencies. He will be imprisoned for at least 2 monthsd. I would also like to address the huge amount of skids such as monarchy //
//   who have been reuploading this dox without any credits of any kind (https://streamable.com/2bp20u). The first and original dox was uploaded by me on my crossbar account                     //
//   (https://doxbin.com/upload/kirby). Hopefully you'll stop being a bunch of losers. Finally, to the mods of Kirby's discord server, protect Kirby as much as you want. In the end he is just   //
//   a sixteen year old boy who had beef with the wrong people and sold CP. You are all harmless and a bunch of skids. Rest in piss Kirby.  - Abort (P.S: fuck u ziak. u only got minor info)     //