   ║ 0x01                       Introductions                                                       DOXED BY Explore║
                                                  |        | ___\          /~~~| 
                                                 _:_______|/'(..)`\_______/  | | --Exploring Everyones Info !
                                                <_|``````  \__~~__/       ___|_|
                                                  :\_____(=========,   ,--\__|_/
                                                  |       \       /---'
                                                            |     /

          _  _
         ( `   )_
        (    )    `)
      (_   (_ .  _) _)
                                                                                                    _  _
                                                                                                  ( `   )_
                                                                                                 (    )    `)
                                                                                               (_   (_ .  _) _)                                               
                        ║                                                                        ║
                        ║                ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║       
                        ║                ║         0x00 Table Of Contents      ║                 ║                    
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                           
                        ║                ║         0x01 Introduction           ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x02 Face Pic(s)            ║                 ║             
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                           
                        ║                ║         0x03 Basics                 ║                 ║         _  _        
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║        ( `   )_                                   
                        ║                ║         0x04 Address                ║                 ║       (    )    `)
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║    (_   (_ .  _) _)                                            
                        ║                ║         0x05 Socials                ║                 ║     
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                
                        ║                ║         0x06 Education              ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x07 Employment             ║                 ║                            
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                   
                        ║                ║         0x08 IP                     ║                 ║          
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                               
                        ║                ║         0x09 Emails                 ║                 ║       
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║           
                        ║                ║         0x010 Mom                   ║                 ║
     _  _               ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
    ( `   )_            ║                ║         0x011 Dad                   ║                 ║
  (    )    `)          ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
(_   (_ .  _) _)        ║                ║         0x012 Parents contact       ║                 ║ 
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x013 Family lineage        ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x014 Outro + credits       ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝                 ║
                        ║                                                                        ║
          _  _                                                      _  _
         ( `   )_                                                  ( `   )_
        (    )    `)                                             (    )    `)
      (_   (_ .  _) _)                                         (_   (_ .  _) _) 
   ║ 0x01                       Introductions                                                       DOXED BY Explore║

                                           │ NewsPaper Is some wanna be extorter.
                                           │ He owned a extortion server on discord called KTH
                                           │ Hes Ego got a little high and decided to extort a minor
                                           │ So Enjoy To Dox 

   ║ 0x02                       Face Pic(s)                                                         DOXED BY Explore║

                                           ˅ Face Pic / funny memes
                                           │ https://files.offshore.cat/uU4GwcLm.webp
                                           │ [ More Soon ]

   ║ 0x03                       Basic                                                               DOXED BY Explore║

                                           ˅ Name                     
                                           │ Name            jose martinez
                                           │ Alias           Newspaper
                                           │ Alias           newspaper123   

                                           ˅ DOB             Dec / 10th / 2008
                                           │ Age             15
                                           │ Sex             Male
                                           │ Sexuality       Straight
                                           ˅ Human Stats             
                                           │ Height          150
                                           │ Weight          6ft
                                           ˅ Number          +1 2148987439
                                           │ Provider        None      
                                           │ Assigned too    None                                  
                                           │ Lata            None                
                                           │ OCN             None               

                                           ˅ Personal docs.
                                           │ SSN             TLO SOON !
                                           │ DLN             TLO SOON !
   ║ 0x04                       Address                                                             DOXED BY Explore║

                                           ˅ Address        10801 Gaillardia Dr Austin Tx                                                  
                                           │ SQFT           4,731
                                           │ Bedrooms       0
                                           │ Bathrooms      4
                                           │ Last listing   Un-Avalible
      /              \                     
     /                \                   
     ││  ││ /--\ ││  ││                   More Info Soon !
     ││[]││ │ .│ ││[]││                  
  ( )│-│-│-│====│-│-│-│( )                

   ║ 0x05                       Socials                                                             DOXED BY Explore║

                                           │  Instagram     Coming Soon !
                                           │  Telegram      newpaper123  	
                                           │  Doxbin        https://doxbin.net/user/keele            
                                           │  Twitter       https://x.com/newspapers    
                                           |  Steam         https://steamcommunity.com/id/NP/             		
                                           │  Discord       Newspaper15      
                                           │  Facebook      https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100050054232385     
                                           ˅ Old usernames...  
                                           │ NP
                                           │ Newspaper
                                           │ Newspaper15

 		             _/   /
 		            //   /
 		           //   /
 		       _  / ││ \  ^o
 		       \\/ ()_) \.
 		        ^^ <__> \()
 		         //_││_\\      -Target spotted!
 		        // \││/ \\
 		       //   ││   \\
 		      \/    │/    \/
 		      /     │      \
 		     /      │       \
   ║ 0x06                       Education                                                           DOXED BY Explore║

 		     		           ˅ Lake Travis High School
 		     		           │ Principal    Garinger Deborah
           . 	 		           │ Website    http://www.ltisdschools.org/lths
          /_\  		     		   │ Phone Number    +15125336100
          |Q|	                           │ Grade     10th
    .-----' '-----.  		           ˄
    | []       [] |
    | []       [] |
    |	 .-.-.	  |                      ˅ Socials
    |____|_|_|____| 		     	   │ 
		                           │  404 Page Not Found

   ║ 0x07                       Employment                                                          DOXED BY Explore║

                                   |Employment       False

   ║ 0x08                       IP info                                                             DOXED BY Explore║

 		     		           ˅ IP:
 		     		           │ Decimal      622055940      
 		     		           │ ASN          212238         
 		     		           │ NetName      unn-37-19-210-4.datapacket.com    
 		     		           │ Service      VPN Server          
 		     		           │ Organization DataCamp Limited     

                                         .-.          ~Scanning IP's~
                                           \ _.--l--._
                                          . \    │     `.
                                        .` `.\   │    .` `.
                                      .`     `\  │  .`     `.             ~Detecting Ports!~  
                                     / __      \.│.`      __ \                                          
                                     │   ''--._ \V  _.--''   │
                                     │        _ (") _        │              
                                     │ __..--'   ^   '--..__ │ _
                                     \         .`│`.         /-.)                      
                                      `.     .`  │  `.     .`                                                                              
                                        `. .`    │    `. .`                                                    
                                          `._    │    _.`│                          ~Cool robotic noises~                                                              
                                              `--l--`  │ │                                                   
                                                       │ │                                                   
                                                       │ │                   
                                                       │ │                                      
                                                       │ │                               
                                                       │ │    
                                                       │ │   
                                                       │ │ 
                                                       │ │  
                                                       │ │                             
   ║ 0x09                       Email                                                               DOXED BY Explore║
                                      .`.        `.
                                     /   \ .======.\                      Emails
                                     │   │ │______││		       1 Newspaper@cyberfear.com
                                     │   │   _____ │		       2 More Soon !
                                     │   │  /    / │	             
                                     │   │ /____/  │		       
                                     │ _ │         │		       
                                     │/ \│.-"```"-.│		       		
                                     `` │││      │││	
                                        `"`      `"   
                                     EMAIL BREACHES
                                          │ ─ Connected            
                                          │   │ 404 None Found
   ║ 0x010                      Mom                                                                 DOXED BY Explore║

 		     		           ˅ Cristina Franco                                                                                                                    
                                           │ Augest/17/1965                       
                                           │ 59             

                                           ˅ Address            10801 GaillardiaAustin, TX                  
                                           │ Bedrooms           0                           
                                           │ SQFT               4,731
                                           │ Bathrooms          4   
                                           │ Last listing.      Un-Avalible

 		     		           ˅ Employment         Coming Soon ! 
 		     		           │ Address            Coming Soon !  
 		     		           │ Date of job        Coming Soon ! 
 		     		           │ Extra              Coming Soon ! 
 		     		           │ Company birth      Coming Soon ! 

   ║ 0x011                      Dad                                                                 DOXED BY Explore║

 		     		           ˅ Guillermo Antonio Franco                                                                                                                    
                                           │ Augest/12/1964                         
                                           │ 60              

                                           ˅ Address            10801 GaillardiaAustin, TX                  
                                           │ Bedrooms           0                           
                                           │ SQFT               4,731
                                           │ Bathrooms          4   
                                           │ Last listing.      Un-Avalible

 		     		           ˅ Employment         Coming Soon ! 
 		     		           │ Address            Coming Soon !  
 		     		           │ Date of job        Coming Soon ! 
 		     		           │ Extra              Coming Soon ! 
 		     		           │ Company birth      Coming Soon ! 

   ║ 0x012                       Parents contact                                                    DOXED BY Explore║

                                           ˅ Father
                                           │Phone number  (512) 263-2727
                                           │Email         qguilljermo.franco77@aol.com 
                                           │Socials       Getting Socails Soon !

                                           ˅ Personal docs.
                                           │ SSN           TLO Coming Soon !
                                           │ DLN           TLO Coming Soon !
                                           ˅ Mother       Cristina Franco
                                           │Phone number  (830) 899-2442
                                           │Email         cristina.rodriguez@lsi.com
                                           │Socials       Getting Socails Soon !

                                           ˅ Personal docs.
                                           │ SSN           TLO Coming Soon !
                                           │ DLN           TLO Coming Soon !
   ║ 0x13                       Family Lineage                                                      DOXED BY Explore║
                                   Javier Gonzalez 
                                   Lourdes Rodriguez 
                                   Susana Rodriguez 
                                   Albert A Rodriguez 
                                   Alexandria Rodriguez 
                                   Brandi Rodriguez 
                                   Brenda Ann Rodriguez 
                                   Christina M Rodriguez

   ║ 0x14                       Outro n' credits                                                    DOXED BY Explore║

   Credits for format -- https://doxbin.net/user/snazzy