                  │                                        Introduction                                          │           

         Tiltings is a predator whose behavior is completely unacceptable. His actions are deeply disturbing and potentially harmful to           
         innocent individuals. Despite this, he has demonstrated a complete lack of operational security and continues to act with impunity.      
         It is concerning that someone with such dangerous tendencies is given a platform to act on. Tiltings is known for spending his days on   
         Minecraft and is rumored to be a virgin. However, it is his preying on underdeveloped females that has truly earned him a notorious      
         reputation. It is critical that individuals like Tiltings be held accountable for their actions and prevented from causing further harm.  
         Law enforcement must act swiftly to address this issue and protect those who may be at risk. We must stand together to ensure that       
         predators like Tiltings are brought to justice and that vulnerable individuals are kept safe from harm. 


         All these women are below Max's age group. I had more pictures, but inevitably my discord got banned. 

         Scroll down to the bottom to find today's sponsor.

                  │                                     Personal Information                                     │           

└─── Personal Information
     └─── Name: Max Pitcher
           │ Phone: +1 (218) 4092-353
           │ Address: 840 S Lk Ave Duluth, MN 55802
           │ Age: 16
           │ Gender: Male

└─── Aliases
     └─── Usernames
              └─── kermit614
                   │ xKqrmit
                   │ Rebelions
                   │ SuperMaxNoob
                   │ WRHolderTiltings
                   │ BEARFIGHTERMAX
└─── IRL(s)
     └─── Pictures
              └─── https://ibb.co/M76Q3Cy
                   │ Picture #2: https://ibb.co/82qtTCF

                  │                                      Emails & Accounts                                       │           

└─── Discord
     └─── New Username: aniharbfihafbiahrfbwihrfb#0001
           │ Old Username: Max.#9442
           │ Profile Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/1.png
           │ Discord Id: 451883276030836736

└─── Twitter
     └─── Profile Link: https://twitter.com/smhtilt
           │ Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/FzMWZWd
           │ Location: Minnesota, USA
           │ Join Date: January 13, 2020
           │ User Id: 1216810607904808960

└─── Youtube
     └─── Profile Link: https://www.youtube.com/@tiltings
           │ Location: United States
           │ Joined: May 19, 2015
           │ Views: 143,345

└─── Spotify
     └─── Profile Link: https://open.spotify.com/user/1eo7rtdft936hjft68frrkiam
           │ Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/pbL7Fky

└─── Profile Link:https://www.pinterest.co.uk/gratiamaxwell
     └─── Full Name: xKqrmit !
           │ Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/DY8w0YY

      └─── Airbnb
                 │ Created At: 2020-06-21T00:05:33Z
                 │ First Name: Gratia
                 │ Identity Verified: true
                 │ Image: https://a0.muscache.com/defaults/user_pic-225x225.png?v=3
                 │ Location: Duluth, MN
                 │ Reviewee Count: 0
      └─── Google
                 │ Avatar: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACB-R5Q5G7NMDE92rPlp05rFUx_aA9DSQGAa-je9vlyncw
                 │ Id: 109489632605271874540
                 │ Last Updated: 2023-03-29 06:51:20
                 │ Name: tiltings
                 │ Maps Link: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/109489632605271874540
                 │ Calendar Link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=dinergigi@aol.com
                 │ Recovery: +1 (218) 409-2353 (AT&T)
      └─── Microsoft
                 │ Id: A0KXr97ba3zCFC1rx_F3tT6AIf4
                 │ Name: Gratia Pitcher
                 │ Recovery
                 │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                 │ Phone: +1 (218) 409-2353 (AT&T)
      └─── Skype
                 │ Country: United States
                 │ Handle: gratia.pitcher
                 │ Id: gratia.pitcher
                 │ Name: Gratia Pitcher
                 │ Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/gratia.pitcher/public?returnDefaultImage=true
      └─── Snusbase
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Source: CAFEPRESS_COM_23M_STORE_022019
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Hash: +8h53huYSxsWrYfWY2uGRidCao0=
                     │ Uid: 132348005
                     │ Country: US
                     │ Source: MYFITNESSPAL_COM_144M_FITNESS_022018
                     │ Username: dinergigi
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Lastip:
                     │ Source: ZYNGA_COM_202M_GAMING_092019
                     │ Username: Dinergigi
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Salt: d81f803e9e117b2d9ec37cd1630a0d9057e1b9cb
                     │ Created: 2011-03-28 00:57:42
      └─── Hackcheck
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker1
                     │ Source: Anti Public
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker123
                     │ Source: Anti Public
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: Becker123
                     │ Source: Collection 1
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker1
                     │ Source: Collection 1
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker123
                     │ Source: Collection 1
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: Becker123
                     │ Source: Collection 2
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker1
                     │ Source: Collection 2
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker123
                     │ Source: Collection 2
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker123
                     │ Source: Collection 4
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker1
                     │ Source: Collection 4
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: Becker123
                     │ Source: Collection 4
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker123
                     │ Source: Collection 5
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker123
                     │ Source: Houzz.com
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker123
                     │ Source: Petflow.com
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: Becker123
                     │ Source: Unknown
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker123
                     │ Source: Unknown
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker123
                     │ Source: exploit.in
                     │ Email: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Password: becker1
                     │ Source: exploit.in
      └─── Illicit
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Emails: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Passwords: Becker123
                     │ Source: Collection1
                     │ Usernames: dinergigi
                     │ Passwords: __SEC__01M1YtG7zWxx0CDmlmlO0kxrgl/HN6CtZNy330ivcCKJ2XhjEiPJAwHgtHj06EJT5mQhpkmFalvsFAYCtwIGZ0xTx5pScdL4KGmld.W/
                     │ Emails: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Dob: 2013-05-09 04
                     │ Links:
                     │ Source: Houzz
                     │ Emails: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Passwords: becker123
                     │ Source: Collection1
                     │ Emails: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Usernames: Dinergigi
                     │ Passwords: d81f803e9e117b2d9ec37cd1630a0d9057e1b9cb,83c434d2a3a1198e9fa59b7a20dcbbeba0aee7aa
                     │ Emails: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Passwords: becker1
                     │ Source: Collection1
                     │ Emails: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Passwords: becker1
                     │ Source: Antipublic-combined.txt
                     │ Usernames: dinergigi
                     │ Emails: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Passwords: NULL
                     │ Links:
                     │ Source: MyFitnessPal
                     │ Emails: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Passwords: becker123
                     │ Source: Antipublic-combined.txt
                     │ Emails: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Line: 132348005
                     │ Source: CafePress_save_10.txt
                     │ Emails: dinergigi@aol.com
                     │ Passwords: $2a$10$.7J79bJDMcNHihqJP4Us3eDy1CzOfNfOo8Sy2ZpRerzdC7uPt1mFu
                     │ Firstname: Gratia
                     │ Lastname: Pitcher
                     │ Source: HomeChef.csv
      └─── Registered Sites
                 │ Sites
                     │ airbnb
                     │ amazon
                     │ apple
                     │ booking
                     │ disneyplus
                     │ google
                     │ microsoft
                     │ pinterest
                     │ samsung

      └─── Google
                 │ Avatar: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACB-R5QKNhnDg74wrTSNZHH8Ul-EYorIPhFwvxh-oy_Y
                 │ Id: 115229076005866986327
                 │ Last Updated: 2023-03-21 07:57:10
                 │ Name: xKqrmit !
                 │ Maps Link: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/115229076005866986327
                 │ Calendar Link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=gratiamaxwell@gmail.com
      └─── Snusbase
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Source: CANVA_COM_133M_DESIGN_052019
                     │ Username: gratiamaxwell
                     │ Email: gratiamaxwell@gmail.com
                     │ Name: Gratia Pitcher
                     │ Id: 25742752
      └─── Hackcheck
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Email: gratiamaxwell@gmail.com
                     │ Username: gratiamaxwell
                     │ Source: Canva.com
      └─── Illicit
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Emails: gratiamaxwell@gmail.com
                     │ Usernames: gratiamaxwell
      └─── Registered Sites
                 │ Sites
                     │ google
                     │ pinterest 
                     │ spotify

      └─── Google
                 │ Avatar: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACB-R5Q5G7NMDE92rPlp05rFUx_aA9DSQGAa-je9vlyncw
                 │ Id: 109489632605271874540
                 │ Last Updated: 2023-03-29 06:51:20
                 │ Name: tiltings
                 │ Maps Link: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/109489632605271874540
                 │ Calendar Link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=dinergigi@gmail.com
      └─── Microsoft
                 │ Id: 0nryMO-S3Q8wVbFTGQ0pm-2a_vw

                  │                                    Minecraft Information                                     │           

└─── NameMC
     └─── tiltings.4
           │ Discord: Max.#8868 (Doesn't Exist)
           │ Country: Seychelles
           │ Twitter: https://twitter.com/smhtilt
           │ Capes: Migrator Cape                                                                                                                 
└─── Hypixel
     └─── First Joined: 2017-07-30
           │ Guild Name: Crossmap
           │ Member Amount: 124
           │ Rank: Co-Owner [MG]
           │ Joined: 2022-09-24, 9:19 AM EDT
           │ Twitter: https://twitter.com/smhtilt                                                                                   
└─── Labymod
     └─── First Joined: 2018-05-26
           │ Last Joined: 2021-06-08
           │ Favorite Server: Hypixel Network                                                                                              

└─── Rinaorc
     └─── https://old.rinaorc.com/player/tiltings 
           │ First Joined: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 00:06:00 GMT 
           │ Last Online: 4 months ago                                                                                                                           
└─── JartexNetwork
     └─── https://stats.jartexnetwork.com/player/tiltings
           │ Last Online: 6/26/2022, 11:32:21 AM   

└─── FaithfulMC (2020)
     └─── Username: Rebelions    
           │ UUID: 3ba0f367-8415-48c0-b228-3acfe876525d    
           │ Registered Ip:

└─── Minemen.Club
     └─── Username: Kermit614    
           │ UUID: 3ba0f367-8415-48c0-b228-3acfe876525d    
           │ Registered Ip:     

└─── Minemen(LiteBans)
     └─── Username: Kermit614    
           │ UUID: 3ba0f367-8415-48c0-b228-3acfe876525d    
           │ Registered Ip: 

└─── SaicoPVP(IPs)
     └─── Username: kermit614    
           │ Uuid: 3ba0f367-8415-48c0-b228-3acfe876525d    
           │ Registered Ip:                                                                           

                  │                                    Mother's Information                                      │           

└─── Personal Information
     └─── Gratia Lynn Pitcher
           │ Date Of Birth: November 30th, 1980 (42)
           │ Phone: +1 (218) 626-5381 (AT&T)
           │ Address: 20970 Mcgunn Creek Rd Calumet MI 49913
           └─── IRL(s): https://ibb.co/tQPxzFn - https://ibb.co/ySGntKJ
               └─── Qualification: Internal Medicine (Adult Medicine) [17 years of experience]

     └─── University of Toledo College
          │ Address: 2801 W. Bancroft St, Toledo, OH 43606-3390
          │ Phone: +1 (419) 530-4724 (Telesystem)
          │ Email: utdl@utoledo.edu

       └─── Employed @ Essentia Health
            │ Site: https://www.essentiahealth.org
            │ Address: 407 E 3rd St Duluth, MN 55805 
            │ Phone: +1 (218) 786-4000 (Level 3 Communications)
                └─── Role(s)
                     │ Chief Quality Officer May 2020 - Present
                     │ Internal Medicine Physician Aug 2015 - Present


                  │                                  Mother's Emails & Accounts                                  │           

└─── Facebook
     └─── Profile Link: https://www.facebook.com/gratia.pitcher
           │ Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/0CtPrDF     

      └─── Linkedin
                 │ Company: Essentia Health
                 │ Connection Count: 34
                 │ Location: Duluth, Minnesota, United States
                 │ Name: Gratia Pitcher
                 │ Photo: https://ibb.co/vQG2Yhg
                 │ Title: employee
                 │ Url: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gratia-pitcher-037b3176
      └─── Microsoft
                 │ Id: AC8kLYBtTowM040AcuERV6iC5wI
                 │ Name: Gratia Pitcher
                 │ Recovery
      └─── Snusbase
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Source: MYFITNESSPAL_COM_144M_FITNESS_022018
                     │ Username: gpitcher611
                     │ Email: gpitcher611@aol.com
                     │ Lastip:
      └─── Illicit
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Usernames: gpitcher611
                     │ Emails: gpitcher611@aol.com
                     │ Passwords: NULL
                     │ Links:
                     │ Source: MyFitnessPal
      └─── Registered Sites
                 │ Sites
                     │ airbnb
                     │ amazon
                     │ apple
                     │ disneyplus
                     │ facebook
                     │ linkedin
                     │ microsoft
                     │ pinterest

                  │                          Uncle's Emails & Accounts (No Father, Incest)                       │           

└─── Personal Information
     └─── Erich N. Pitcher
           │ Date Of Birth: September 1983 (39)
           │ Phone: +1 (608) 228-9381
           │ Address: 278 Echo St Astoria OR 97103

└─── IRL(s)
     └─── Pictures
              └─── https://ibb.co/YtBsGNr 
                   │ Picture #2: https://ibb.co/Zzqt4sR 
                   │ Picture #3: https://ibb.co/sHBJYQ2

└─── Phone Information
     └─── +1 (608) 228-9381
           │ Carrier: T-MOBILE USA, INC
           │ Site(S): Facebook, Google, Instagram, Microsoft, Skype

└─── Skype Information
     └─── Full Name: Erich Pitcher
           │ Phone: +1 (608) 228-9381
           │ Skype Id: Erichnpitcher
           │ Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/erichnpitcher/public?returnDefaultImage=true
           │ City: Lansing
           │ State: MI
           │ Country: United States
           │ Site(s): Facebook, Google, Instagram, Microsoft, Skype

└─── Linkedin
     └─── linkedin.com/in/erichnpitcher
           │ Full Name: Erich N. Pitcher (They/Them)
           │ Bio: Equity-Minded Mediator, Curriculum Developer, Writer, and Researcher
           │ Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/19djFym

 └─── Twitter
     └─── https://twitter.com/Scholactivist
           │ Full Name: Erich N. Pitcher
           │ Bio: Instructor, Adult & Higher Education, Oregon State University
           │ Profile Picture: https://twitter.com/Scholactivist/photo


      └─── Microsoft
                 │ Id: Pua0FlhjGsRLz3QY7PiaUnqDQ7c
                 │ Recovery
      └─── Trello
                 │ Avatar: https://trello-members.s3.amazonaws.com/5d55b6c36aeccd8a69907fce/4ab65f58ced34c5ba48b8cdc86822ed4
                 │ Id: 5d55b6c36aeccd8a69907fce
                 │ Link: https://trello.com/u/erichpitcher1
                 │ Name: Erich Pitcher
                 │ Username: erichpitcher1
      └─── Registered Sites
                 │ Sites
                     │ atlassian
                     │ google
                     │ microsoft
                     │ pinterest

      └─── Google
                 │ Avatar: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/AGNmyxbM5byHRrYFY7Cy_19_RR2uf3ySwUL_zbEN2Vai=mo
                 │ Id: 110747862841778463464
                 │ Last Updated: 2023-03-26 01:07:09
                 │ Name: Erich Pitcher
                 │ Maps Link: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/110747862841778463464
                 │ Calendar Link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=pitche13@msu.edu
      └─── Registered Sites
                 │ Sites
                     │ facebook
                     │ google

      └─── Microsoft
                 │ Id: u9EeANxZqXeW5E-bLJQ6hu8UrB8
                 │ Recovery
      └─── Trello
                 │ Avatar: https://trello-members.s3.amazonaws.com/57ad008e65b998916a5a2d4b/129c5b735c465800e175f783add98b11
                 │ Id: 57ad008e65b998916a5a2d4b
                 │ Link: https://trello.com/u/erichpitcher
                 │ Name: erichpitcher
                 │ Username: erichpitcher
      └─── Illicit
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Location: lansing, michigan, united states
                     │ Usernames: erichnpitcher
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com, pitchere@msu.edu, erich.pitcher@oregonstate.edu
                     │ Phonenumbers: 9378316297
                     │ Firstname: erich
                     │ Lastname: pitcher
      └─── Registered Sites
                 │ Sites
                     │ adobe
                     │ microsoft
                     │ twitter

      └─── Airbnb
                 │ About: Experienced traveler, foodie, academic. 
                 │ Created At: 2016-03-31T15:35:42Z
                 │ First Name: Erich
                 │ Identity Verified: true
                 │ Image: https://a0.muscache.com/im/pictures/user/bc86076d-9a3f-4909-8616-c42c5ff42af6.jpg?aki_policy=profile_x_medium
                 │ Location: Astoria, OR
                 │ Reviewee Count: 9
      └─── Dropbox
                 │ Avatar: https://ibb.co/sV0b0F7
                 │ Id: dbid:AAAdDM9cS4iqPQUUbJeXlQsntRhdbnAF7kw
                 │ Name: Erich Pitcher
                 │ Email Verified: True
      └─── Duolingo
                 │ Avatar: https://simg-ssl.duolingo.com/avatars/857316474/PaqVNmc1o4/xlarge
                 │ Country: US
                 │ From Language: en
                 │ Id: 857316474
                 │ Learning Language: es
                 │ Link: https://www.duolingo.com/profile/Erich_Pitcher
                 │ Name: Erich
                 │ Username: Erich_Pitcher
      └─── Google
                 │ Avatar: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACB-R5QzkYDH3DqpnjJV4T7iLzAliYUpDJg-O4MRuG1wVQ
                 │ Id: 107901121984281184241
                 │ Last Updated: 2023-05-02 20:33:26
                 │ Name: Erich Pitcher
                 │ Maps Link: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/107901121984281184241
                 │ Calendar Link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=enpitcher@gmail.com
      └─── Linkedin
                 │ Company: Weaving Our Web
                 │ Connection Count: 500
                 │ Location: Astoria, Oregon, United States
                 │ Name: Erich N. Pitcher
                 │ Photo: https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D5603AQHCzr0LY7xQqA/profile-displayphoto-shrink_400_400/0?e=1688601600&v=beta&t=r9gXfW4wh_ZEcJtFSemP9psUiVvPpI-K_-ClD86XCbw
                 │ Title: Equity-Minded Mediator, Curriculum Developer, Writer, and Researcher
                 │ Url: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erichnpitcher
      └─── Microsoft
                 │ Recovery
                 │ Phone: +1 (608) 228-9381 (AT&T)
      └─── Skype
                 │ City: Madison
                 │ Country: United States
                 │ Handle: sir_nelly
                 │ Id: sir_nelly
                 │ Name: Erich Pitcher
                 │ Photo: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/sir_nelly/public?returnDefaultImage=true
      └─── Snusbase
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Source: VERIFICATIONS_IO_789M_MARKETING_022019
                     │ Email: ENPITCHER@GMAIL.COM
                     │ Source: ZEEROQ_COM_226M_COMBOLIST_2019
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: hardcore1
                     │ Source: PEOPLEDATALABS_COM_372M_MARKETING_2019
                     │ Username: erichnpitcher
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Name: erich pitcher
                     │ Phone: 9378316297
                     │ Address: lansing, michigan, united states
                     │ Source: TWITTER_COM_228M_SOCIAL_012023
                     │ Username: E_Nelly
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Name: Erich
                     │ Created: Thu Feb 26 01:22:05 +0000 2009
                     │ Followers: 123
                     │ Source: EATSTREET_COM_6M_FOOD_052019
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Hash: temp
                     │ Name: Erich Pitcher
                     │ Uid: 2387526
                     │ Phone: +16082289381
                     │ Source: CAFEPRESS_COM_23M_STORE_022019
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Hash: Rvxx+6ii1CO/ij406DUESEbxjgY=
                     │ Uid: 18532045
                     │ Country: US
                     │ Source: MYFITNESSPAL_COM_144M_FITNESS_022018
                     │ Username: enpitcher
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Lastip:
                     │ Source: MYFITNESSPAL_COM_144M_FITNESS_022018
                     │ Username: enpitcher
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Lastip:
                     │ Source: CANVA_COM_133M_DESIGN_052019
                     │ Username: ErichPitcher
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Name: Erich Pitcher
                     │ Id: 91160392
                     │ Source: DROPBOX_COM_68M_HOSTING_2012
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Hash: $2a$08$10xoO2UNdsO95Ii1seUwl.mXaCwDAQ.gKFIwqNvdrl8XYGizMO4Za
                     │ Source: EVITE_COM_11M_SOCIAL_2019
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: hardcore1
                     │ Source: SHARETHIS_COM_41M_SOCIAL_2018
                     │ Username: 776522d57cf0ac064b4cd50aa
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Name: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Uid: 7662351
                     │ Created: 2010-02-26 23:46:26
                     │ Source: TUMBLR_COM_73M_SOCIAL_2013
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Hash: 14066f2dc4dcb04cb8fc69266800ddb817a170e0
                     │ Source: DISQUS_COM_28M_COMMENTS_2017
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Uid: 8431107
                     │ Regdate: 2011-03-25 14:11:46.91458-04
                     │ Source: DISQUS_COM_28M_COMMENTS_2017
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Uid: 13556658
                     │ Regdate: 2011-07-06 12:01:57.774097-04
                     │ Source: 2844_DATABASES_218M_COMPILATION_2018
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: 12KgqEonIuWQ
                     │ Source: EDMODO_COM_77M_EDUCATION_2017
                     │ Username: enpitcher
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Hash: $826y4$31226$dMbD2YfweM3Dbdel4Z0DcAcx2O4G1V8i7O7DfF6maN2.cD990zb8L2QSlaZfPFmQrv48OYSK/t0Lw6e
      └─── Hackcheck
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: 12KgqEonIuWQ
                     │ Source: Anti Public
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: hardcore1
                     │ Source: Cafepress.com
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Username: ErichPitcher
                     │ Source: Canva.com
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: 12KgqEonIuWQ
                     │ Source: Collection 1
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: 12KgqEonIuWQ
                     │ Source: Collection 2
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: 12KgqEonIuWQ
                     │ Source: Collection 4
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: 12KgqEonIuWQ
                     │ Source: Collection 5
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Username: enpitcher
                     │ Source: Edmodo.com
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Source: PeopleDataLabs
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Username: e_nelly
                     │ Source: Twitter Scraped
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: 12KgqEonIuWQ
                     │ Source: comp
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: 12KgqEonIuWQ
                     │ Source: dropbox.com
                     │ Email: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Password: hardcore1
                     │ Source: whitepages.com
      └─── Illicit
                 │ Breaches
                     │ Usernames: enpitcher
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Passwords: NULL
                     │ Links:
                     │ Source: MyFitnessPal
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Usernames: ErichPitcher
                     │ Usernames: chronicle-b18d524888de2ce4a3fd67243b529739
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Source: Disqus
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Passwords: 12KgqEonIuWQ
                     │ Source: Collection1
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Passwords: 12KgqEonIuWQ
                     │ Source: DropBox.com  add pass
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Passwords: 12KgqEonIuWQ
                     │ Source: DropBox.com  add pass.txt
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Passwords: 14066f2dc4dcb04cb8fc69266800ddb817a170e0
                     │ Source: Tumblr
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Firstname: Erich
                     │ Usernames: E_Nelly
                     │ Source: Twitter 2023
                     │ Usernames: enpitcher
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Passwords: $826y4$31226$dMbD2YfweM3Dbdel4Z0DcAcx2O4G1V8i7O7DfF6maN2.cD990zb8L2QSlaZfPFmQrv48OYSK/t0Lw6e
                     │ Source: Edmodo
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Usernames: google-776522d57cf0ac064b4cd50aa47a6743
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Source: Disqus
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Passwords: $2a$08$10xoO2UNdsO95Ii1seUwl.mXaCwDAQ.gKFIwqNvdrl8XYGizMO4Za
                     │ Source: Dropbox
                     │ Usernames: enpitcher
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Passwords: NULL
                     │ Links:
                     │ Source: MyFitnessPal
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com
                     │ Line: 18532045
                     │ Source: CafePress_save_2.txt
                     │ Location: lansing, michigan, united states
                     │ Usernames: erichnpitcher
                     │ Emails: enpitcher@gmail.com,pitchere@msu.edu,erich.pitcher@oregonstate.edu
                     │ Phonenumbers: 9378316297
                     │ Firstname: erich
                     │ Lastname: pitcher
      └─── Registered Sites
                 │ Sites
                     │ adobe
                     │ amazon
                     │ apple
                     │ disneyplus
                     │ ebay
                     │ evernote
                     │ facebook
                     │ google
                     │ instagram
                     │ linkedin
                     │ microsoft
                     │ pinterest
                     │ quora
                     │ spotify
                     │ tumblr
                     │ twitter
                     │ yahoo

Path▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[           CREDITS             ]█░░▓

                                                                   We would like to thank you for boarding onto IntelSec Airlines.                                                                                                                                                
            _\ _~-\___                                                                                                    
    =  = ==(___Path___)                                                                                                                         
                \_____\___________________,-~~~~~~~`-.._                              Captain: Path - Me                                       
                /     o O o o o o O O o o o o o o O o  |\_                            Co-Captain: Meddy (Formatting & Doxing)
                `~-.__        ___..----..                  )                          Flight Attendants: Galaxy, Federal & IntelSec (https://discord.gg/hMGYarMq6M)  
                      =  ===(_________D                                                                                                                     
Path▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[               Our Sponsor             ]█░░▓                  

Today's flight is sponsored by IntelSec.

IntelSec is a powerful cybersecurity tool that brings together several online resources to provide comprehensive protection to both individuals and organizations. By integrating 
Snusbase, Intelx, Hackcheck.io, Leakcheck, and Illicit, it offers a comprehensive approach to identifying and mitigating potential threats. Additionally, it has a social profile 
search feature that can detect social media accounts linked to a particular email or phone number, enabling users to identify potential vulnerabilities in their digital footprint.

Discord: https://discord.gg/hMGYarMq6M or t.me/intelligencesec (It's Free)