                                                                                                                             ^JB@@@@@@@@@@@G.  - wokky slushie
                                                                              .^77?????????7!!77!!!^:      .~J5PB&.                            
                                                                                !GJ?????JY~                   .^?~                             

                                                  Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. unless you're Brady...                           

                                                                   ║ Table Of Contents                                      ║
                                                                   ║ →     0x01 Personal Information                        ║
                                                                   ║ →     0x02 Court Information                           ║
                                                                   ║ →     0x03 Social Media Platforms                      ║                      
                                                                   ║ →     0x04 Location Information                        ║
                                                                   ║ →     0x05 Childhood Information                       ║
                                                                   ║ →     0x06 IRLs                                        ║
                                                                   ║ →     0x07 Family Information                          ║
                                                                   ║ →     0x08 Screenshots                                 ║
                                                                   ║ →     0x09 Database Info                               ║                          
                                                                   ║ →     0x10 Downloads & Extras                          ║
                                                                   ║ →     0x11 Credits                                     ║

                                                                                         ,:',:`,:'       HELP I'M ABOUT           
                                                                                      __||_||_||_||__  / TO FUCKING SINK                            
                                                                                 \ " '''''''''''''''''''' \                        



          It begins with ery/eryxse searching thru doxbin, bored, out of his mind bored. He scrolls upon this paste titled BradyKlugeisaPedo (https://doxbin.com/upload/BradyKlugeisaPedo).
          He decides to take a closer look into the information posted, and the accusations against him. It appears all of the accusations are not accusations but rather the truth.
                So I welcome you to the "downfall" of a once obese kid named Brady Austin Kluge, too being a discord pedophile, while pursing a career in child heatlhcare.
  He grew up getting bullied I'm sure of it, if you don't believe me scroll down to 0x06 and view the images, he was a morbidly obese kid, so I assume getting bullied had some sort of effect on him.
Unfortunately, getting bullied as a kid isnt a excuse for being a cyber pedo, it truly amazes me how he was going to school to be a doctor, and STILL IS, but decides to send unsolicited nudes to minors. 
	 All of this info was gathered from the info that was pasted by FlashBackTM (https://doxbin.com/user/FlashBackTM), no offense to them but the paste was rubbish,
             so i decided to take the already given information and gather much, much, much more. Since he has been confronted, he has privated alot of his social medias
               including his instagram, facebook, and twitter. It appears instead of attempting to own up to what he done, he decides to rather, run away from the consequences.
                Brady let me let you in on a little secret, you can't run whenever all your information is located on thousands of public records, i wish you the worst,
                and hope you get what you have coming towards you <3. Anyways readers & hackers enjoy the "downfall" of Brady Kluge, from being a obese kid,
                                                         to being a respectable adult...until the secrets become uncovered.

                                      -+-                                          0x01 [Personal Information]                                      -+-         

                                                                           ██╗   ██╗██╗ ██████╗████████╗██╗███╗   ███╗
                                                                           ██║   ██║██║██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██║████╗ ████║
                                                                           ██║   ██║██║██║        ██║   ██║██╔████╔██║
                                                                           ╚██╗ ██╔╝██║██║        ██║   ██║██║╚██╔╝██║
                                                                            ╚████╔╝ ██║╚██████╗   ██║   ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║
                                                                             ╚═══╝  ╚═╝ ╚═════╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝╚═╝     ╚═╝

                                                                     ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡀⢠⠏⠀⠀⢱⡀⣸⠁⠀⡴⠋⠀⠀⣹⠀      Congratulations Brady, you're getting the attention you wanted.
                                                                     ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡴⠋⠉⢿⢀⡤⠶⣴⠇⣯⠀⣼⠁⠀⢀⡴⠷⣄         Fatty.

                                               ???????????????????? ????????????????
                                                ‣ First Name: "Brady"
                                                ‣ Middle Name: "Austin"
                                                ‣ Last Name: "Kluge"
                                                   ‣ Pseudonyms: "bradykluge, 4numbskulls, q34numbskulls"
                                                ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/BhwOZyNr.jpg - honey boo boo (gender reveal)
                                                ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/x6M9tWJR.jpg - doc mcstuffins *GOT ARRESTED* *NOT CLICKBAIT*
                                                ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/WksptuLR.jpg - Brady and Papa John :)
                                                ‣ Race: "Caucasian"
						‣ Ethnic: "German"
                                                ‣ Height: "5,8"
                                                ‣ Weight: "193"
                                                ‣ Hair Color: "Reddish/Dark Brown"
                                                ‣ Eye Color: "Darkish, Brownish"

                                               ???????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????  
                                                ‣ Age: "26"
                                                ‣ Date of Birth: "7/14/1996"
                                                ‣ Zodiac Sign: "Cancer"
                                                ‣ Birth Location: "Easley, South Carolina, united states"

                                               ???????????????????? ???????????????????????? 
                                                ‣ Status: Active
                                                ‣ Numbers: Mobile "6644238038" - Brady, "8648556229" - Terry Kluge
                                                ‣ Carrier: BELLSOUTH & AT&T MOBILITY

                                                ‣ "4numbskulls@bellsouth.net, q34numbskulls@bellsouth.net"    - - | Status: "Active"
                                                ‣ "jkluge@worldnet.att.net, tinavido@gmail.com" 	    - | Status: "Active"
                                                ‣ "bradykluge@yahoo.com, ulf.4numbskulls@bellsouth.net"	    - | Status: "Active"
                                                ‣ "8648556229@bellsouth.net, 6644238038@bellsouth.net"        - - | Status: "Unsure"

                                               ???????? ????????????????????????????
					        ‣ Hostname: ""
                                                ‣ ISP: "DYNO"
                                                ‣ Assignment: "Likely Static IP"
                                                ‣ State: "Wisconsin"
                                                ‣ City: "Hayward"
                                                   Other IPs:
                                                   ‣ ""
                                                   ‣ "" 
                                                                                                                  /   \               
                                                                                                                 |     |
                                                                                                   ╭━━━━━━━━━╮ / Yes? \
                                                                                                   ┃━●━━══━━━┃ \______/    __________________________________________
                                                                                                   ┃█████████┃ /          / Daddy I just got caught being a pedophile \
                                                                                                   ┃█████████┃            \__________________________________________ /
                                                                                                   ┃█████████┃  __________________________                            \
                                                                                                   ┃█████████┃ / You are a disappointment.\
                                                                                                   ┃█████████┃ \__________________________/
                                                                                                   ┃█████████┃ /
                                                                                                   ┃█████████┃ -----------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                   ┃━━━━○━━━━| |>   :(                      	               Send |
                                                                                                   ╰━━━━━━━━━╯ -----------------------------------------------------  
                                      -+-                                           0x02 [Court Information]                                        -+-

                                                                         z          *camera click*                                                          
                                                                          Z           *camera click*                                                     
                                                                .--.  Z z                *camera click*                                                     
                                                Brady       / _(c\   .-.     __               *camera click*                                           
                                                is finally    | / /  '-;   \'-'`  `\______                                                               
                                                asleep!       \_\/'/ __/ )  /  )   |      \--,                                                           
                                                              | \`""`__-/ .'--/   /--------\  \   GET A GOOD ONE                                      
                                                               \\`  ///-\/   /   /---;-.    '-'   TINNA HE WONT                                      
                                                                            (________\  \         BE WELL-RESTED                                         
                                                                                      '-'         MUCH LONGER 

                                              ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????
                                                   ‣ Case Type: "Traffic"
                                                   ‣ Judge: "Lollis (Magistrate), Samuel Matthew"
                                                   ‣ Location of Court: "Anderson Summary Court"
                                                   ‣ Disposition: "Forfeiture / Criminal Traffic"
                                                ‣ Case Number: "20192370876322"
                                                ‣ Location: "Anderson County Courthouse"
                                                ‣ Offense Date: "04/14/2019"
                                                ‣ Filed Date: "04/16/2019"
                                                ‣ Court Date: "06/03/2019-09:00"
                                                ‣ Case Close Date: "06/03/2019-9:59"
                                                ‣ Home Addres: "3 Prince Edward Ct Piedmont SC 29673-6313"
                                               ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? 
                                                   ‣ Case Type: "Traffic"
                                                   ‣ Judge: "Sharp, William Daniel"
                                                   ‣ Location of Court: "Anderson Summary Court"
                                                   ‣ Disposition: "Forfeiture / Criminal Traffic"
                                                ‣ Case Number: "G620692"
                                                ‣ Location: "Anderson County Courthouse"
                                                ‣ Offense Date: "02/27/2014"
                                                ‣ Filed Date: "03/03/2014"
                                                ‣ Court Date: "03/13/2014-9:00"
                                                ‣ Case Close Date: "03/13/2014-16:00"
                                                ‣ Home Addres: "124 Pepper Rd Easley SC 29642-9593"

                                      -+-                                           0x03 [Social Media Platforms]                                   -+-
                                                                                 ___        .---------.._
                                                                          ______!ery!_....-' .g8888888p. '-------....._
                                                                        .'          //     .g8:       :8p..---....___ \'.
                                                                        |   Brady  //  ()  d88:       :88b|==========! !|
                                                                        |         //       888:       :888|==========| !|
                                                                        |___      \\_______'T88888888888P''----------'//|   
                                                                        |   \       """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""/ |   
                                                                        |    !...._____      .="""=.   .[]    ____...!  |   
                                                                        |   /               ! .g$p. !   .[]          :  |   
                                                                        |  !               :  $$$$$  :  .[]          :  |   
                                                                        |  !                ! 'T$P' !   .[]           '.|   
                                                                        |   \__              "=._.="   .()        __    |   
                                                                        |.--'  '----._______________________.----'  '--.|
                                               ????????????????????????????????: "https://www.facebook.com/bradykluge" - deleted after FlashBackTM's original paste
                                               ????????????????????????????: "https://twitter.com/kluge_brady" - pre-weight loss
                                               ????????????????????????????????????: "https://www.instagram.com/bradykluge/"" - private after FlashBackTM's original paste
                                               ????????????????????????????????: "bradykluge" - doubt he will add back
                                               ????????????????????????????: "https://www.youtube.com/@musiclover1876/about" - apparently he was in some obese program show documentary
                                               ????????????????????????????????: "https://www.linkedin.com/in/brady-kluge-22115675" - i have no idea how to use linkedin
                                      -+-                                           0x04 [Location Information]                                     -+-

                                                                                                        a,  8a
                                                                                                        `8, `8)                            ,adPPRg,
                                                                                                         8)  ]8                        ,ad888888888b
                                                                                                        ,8' ,8'                    ,gPPR888888888888
                                                                                                       ,8' ,8'                 ,ad8""   `Y888888888P
                                                                                                       8)  8)              ,ad8""        (8888888""
                                                                                                       8,  8,          ,ad8""            d888""
                                                                                                       `8, `8,     ,ad8""            ,ad8""
                                                                                                        `8, `" ,ad8""            ,ad8""
                                                                                                           ,gPPR8b           ,ad8""
                                                                                                          dP:::::Yb      ,ad8""
                                                                                                          8):::::(8  ,ad8""
                                                                                                          Yb:;;;:d888""  Fucking
                                                                                                          "8ggg8P"      Smoked Retard.

                                               ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????
                                               ‣ Photo: https://files.doxbin.gg/tkfaBYwI.png
                                               ‣ Full Address: "3 Prince Edward Ct. Piedmont, SC 29673+6313"
                                               ‣ Unit #: "N/A"
                                               ‣ Town/City: "Piedmont"
                                               ‣ State/County: "South Carolina"
                                               ‣ Country: "United States"
                                               ‣ Zip Code: "29673 - 6313"
                                                 ‣ Property Type: Home
                                               ‣ Possible Residents: JOHN M KLUGE, TINA KLUGE,  JOSEPH KLUGE,  BRADY KLUGE, CHRISTINNA D KLUGE, FRANK D FARIELLO 
                                               ‣ Resident Since: 2017
                                               ‣ Last Seen: 2023

						???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????
                                               ‣ Photo: https://files.doxbin.gg/ow9c7Ekz.png
                                               ‣ Full Address: "124 Pepper Rd Easley SC 29642-9593"
                                               ‣ Unit #: "N/A"
                                               ‣ Town/City: "Easleyt"
                                               ‣ State/County: "South Carolina"
                                               ‣ Country: "United States"
                                               ‣ Zip Code: "29642 - 9593"
                                                 ‣ Property Type: Home
                                               ‣ Possible Residents: JOHN M KLUGE, TINA KLUGE,  JOSEPH KLUGE,  BRADY KLUGE, CHRISTINNA D KLUGE, FRANK D FARIELLO 
                                               ‣ Last Seen: 2017

                                      -+-                                           0x05 [Childhood Information]                                    -+-

                                                ‣ High School Name: "Wren Highschool"
                                                ‣ High School Address: "905 Wren School Road, Piedmont, SC, 29673"
                                                ‣ Phone: "8648505900"
                                                ‣ Graduation Year: "2014"
                                                ‣ Middle School Name: "Wren Middleschool"
                                                ‣ Middle School Address: "1010 Wren School Road, Piedmont, SC, 29673"
                                                ‣ Phone: "8648505930"
                                                ‣ Graduation Year: "2010"

                                      -+-                                           0x06 [IRLs]                                                     -+-

                                               ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????
                                                ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/xClRkhdV.png - Fresh out the tub >.<
                                                ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/limC2bJ3.jpg - I cant seem to see a person for that big creature in the way :(
                                                ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/dqYn0fiw.png - Pop a tiddie type shit ;)

						As im about to upload this I remember he was in a documentary about being obese and losing weight

                                      -+-                                           0x07 [Family Information]                                       -+-
                                                                              "Oh, no John -- I am sure we are ALL
                                                                               very interested in this theory of
                                                                               yours about how our marriage has never
                                                                               really had any PASSION in it. Please,
                                                                               do go on..."
                                                                                      \   _______             _____
                                                                                         /  _____)           /___  \
                                                                                         \ ( - -\             oo \  \
                                                                                          \_\  ^/            (_   )_/
                                                                                         _/ \~/\              \-___/
                                                                                       /    "  \              /   \
                                                                                      / /\   )  )            / | ||
                                                                            @@@@      \ \ \____/             | | ||
                                                                           @@oo ////   \_\/* * \             | | ||
                                                                          @@-/ oo )   (~/* * * \            | |_||
                                                                          @@\  \-/     /* * * * \  )))      |_/ \|
                                                                          ||/ // %%%% /*_*_*_*_*/) oo )      |\\\|
                                                                          ||\ \\%%%oo     | | |  \\\o/       |   |
                                                                          \) \ |%%%-/     | | |   \=3=\\     |   |
                                                                          ____\|//___\    | | |    \__//     |   |
                                                                          /||  ~-//\\     |_|_|    //\\      |___|
                                                                          )\_)(_(_)(_)    \___>>  (_)(_)    (____]

                                                                      ███╗   ███╗ ██████╗ ████████╗██╗  ██╗███████╗██████╗             ⣠⣤⣄⠀
                                                                      ████╗ ████║██╔═══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║  ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗           ⢰⣿⣿⣿⡷                                                                                                
                                                                      ██╔████╔██║██║   ██║   ██║   ███████║█████╗  ██████╔╝           ⢀⣙⡛⠛⠁
                                                                      ██║╚██╔╝██║██║   ██║   ██║   ██╔══██║██╔══╝  ██╔══██╗          ⢀⣿⣿⣿⡆
                                                                      ██║ ╚═╝ ██║╚██████╔╝   ██║   ██║  ██║███████╗██║  ██║          ⣾⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⠀⠀
                                                                      ╚═╝     ╚═╝ ╚═════╝    ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝         ⢰⣿⣿⣿⠙⣿⣧⠀⣤⣶⣄⣾⣿⣿⣷⠀
                                                                      ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────         ⢻⣿⣿⣇⣴⣮⡿⣿⡟⠛⠁⣙⠿⠿⠋⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀         ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
               .-""""-.                                                                                                             ⠘⣿⣿⡏⣿⣿⣿⣾⣾⣿⣿⣿⣷
              /        \   ,-----------------.                                                                                    ⢀⣀⣀⣀⣿⣿⡇⢿⣿⡇⠈⠉⠻⡿⣿⡏
             ) ` ____.-') / ABORTION SHOULD BE\                                                                                   ⠘⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠧⠿⠿⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⠿⠿⠿⠗ - Hey, Tinna
             ( _6    _ /  \     LEGALIZED     /                                                                                   
             ( \      _|   `-----------------'    
             ) /  -._/                                                                            
          _.--'    ( _                                                             
         /          , `-.                                                       
        )          // ,  \                                                         
    .   |   `  ___.L\ ,--.\                                                    
    \`,--'"\.-'      '.-' )| - Brady
     "'----._  __/)_,-.__. |                                                                                
    _ ,--L   "'  __.-'_/   )                                                                                
    \_/--\____.-' _.-'  _-+.--""".                             
  .==._-.__/.    /  _.-'         |                 
 /     `-.   `  _/ /     .`     /                  
 \  ,     `.   `--'    .'      /                                    
  `-.       `+_='^`-_.'    __,'                                    
     `'-..__,-_`==-'   .-''                              
          .-''     _.-'\                           
          '-..__.-' -.__)

                                               ???????????????????? ???????????????? 
                                                ‣ First Name: "Christinna" 
                                                ‣ Middle Name: "Dickard" 
                                                ‣ Last Name: "Kluge"
                                               ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/eOojwvTu.png - moms thoughts on his child obsession
                                               ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/wTBkHLZx.jpg - #selfiecam
                                               ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/vl2Epp5D.jpg - "i'm finna whip this hoe!"

                                               Date of Birth: "02/06/1971"
                                                ‣ Age: "52"

                                               Address: "3 Prince Edward Ct, Piedmont, SC 29673"  
                                                ‣ Last Seen: "2023"

                                               Number: "8643540126"
                                                ‣ type: Mobile (Cell Phone)
                                                ‣ Carrier: "verizon" 

                                                ‣ "tinavido@gmail.com" 
                                                ‣ "4numbskulls@bellsouth.net" 

                                               Social Medias:
                                                ‣ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tinna.kluge
                                                ‣ Twitter: https://twitter.com/KlugeChristina
                                                ‣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinnakluge/
                                                ‣ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tinnakluge

                                               Ethnicity: "German | Caucasian"
                                               Children: "Jospeh Kluge, Brady Kluge"
                                               Employer: "Matt Elsey"
                                               Place of Employment: "Prisma Health"
                                               Occupation: "Nurse"
                                               Hiring Date (Rough Estimate): "May 15, 2021"


                                                                      ███████╗ █████╗ ████████╗██╗  ██╗███████╗██████╗ 
                                                                      ██╔════╝██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║  ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗
                                                                      █████╗  ███████║   ██║   ███████║█████╗  ██████╔╝
                                                                      ██╔══╝  ██╔══██║   ██║   ██╔══██║██╔══╝  ██╔══██╗
                                                                      ██║     ██║  ██║   ██║   ██║  ██║███████╗██║  ██║
                                                                      ╚═╝     ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝
                                                                                                                            ______         _______________
                                                                                                                                  |       |      ||      |
                                                                                                                                  |       |      ||      |
                                                                                                                            "!!SHIT!!"    |      ||      |
                                                                                                                             / THE MILK   |      ||      |
                                                                                                                            / BRB |       |______||______| heard that b4 :(
                                                                                                                                 |      /______________/  / 
                                                                                                                                  |            __((())__ /
                                                                                                                            ______|_    ______|_))O O((_|__
                                                                                                                                     ////      | ((\O/)) |
                                                                                                                                    oo )      | /\~V~/\ |
                                                                                                                                    \-/       |//(_ _)\\|
                                                                                                                                    /\\      /// \   / \\\
                                                                                                                                    |//     /_\)_/   \_(/_\
                                                                                                                                   //\\     | |_/_____\_| |
                                                                                                                                   \\ \\    | |  \ \\ \ | |
                                                                                                                                   (_)(_)   | |  / // / | |
                                               ???????????????????? ????????????????
                                                ‣ First Name: "John"                                            
                                                ‣ Middle Name: "Mark"
                                                ‣ Last Name: "Kluge" 
                                                ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/KWYeTu9S.jpg - #selfie
                                                ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/E6ec31O1.jpg - family photo
                                                ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/cR6PfX9d.jpg - #dadcam

                                                Date of Birth: "8/22/1970"
                                                ‣ Age: "52"

                                               Address: "3 Prince Edward Ct, Piedmont, SC 29673"  
                                                ‣ Last Seen: "2023"

                                               Number: "8649526645"
                                                ‣ Type: Mobile (Cell Phone)
                                                ‣ Carrier: "Verizon"

                                                ‣ "4numbskulls@bellsouth.net"
                                                ‣ "klugejjm1970@yahoo.com"

                                               Social Medias:
                                                ‣ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kluge.john
                                                ‣ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JohnMarkKluge
                                                ‣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/klugejjm1970/
                                               Ethnicity: "German | Caucasian"
                                               Children: "Jospeh Kluge, Brady Kluge"

                                               Place of Employment: Homefront
                                               Occupation: Former Field Service Technician                                                     
                                               Hiring Date (Rough Estimate): 2000's?!?                                            
                                      -+-                                           0x08 [Screenshots]                                              -+-       

                                                ‣ https://files.doxbin.gg/wH6VfZnO.png - unsolicited nude sent on discord *NSFW* 
                                                ‣ No other's where provided on the original paste "https://doxbin.com/upload/BradyKlugeisaPedo"

                                      -+-                                           0x9 [Database Info]                                            -+-         

• :????????????????????????????: / ???????????????????? ????????????????????
 ༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
firstName: Brady
lastName: Kluge
address: 3 Prince Edward Ct
city: Piedmont
latLong: 34.708800,-82.490400
phoneNumbers: 8648556229
gender: M
dob: 7/14/1996
zipCode: 29673
source: UnknownConsumer
state: SC
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
notes: Optin: 6/18/2021, Phone Operator: AT&T MOBILITY
firstName: Brady
lastName: Kluge
emails: q34numbskulls@bellsouth.net
phoneNumbers: 8648556229
source: US Debt
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
location: easley, south carolina, united states
usernames: brady-kluge-22115675
firstName: brady
lastName: kluge
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
address: 3 Prince Edward Ct
city: Piedmont
ethnicity: ger
firstName: brady
gender: m
lastName: kluge
latLong: 34.708705,-82.490208
middleName: d
zipCode: 29673
birthMonth: 7
birthYear: 1996
city_search: piedmont
state: sc
address_search: 3princeedwardct
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
links: http://www.midamericamortgage.com/low-credit/,
phoneNumbers: 8648556229
city: easley
gender: female
emails: 4numbskulls@bellsouth.net
firstName: brady
lastName: kluge
zipCode: 29642
city_search: easley
state: sc
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
emails: bradykluge@yahoo.com
firstName: brady
lastName: kluge
birthday: 1995-07-14
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
notes: Optin: 1/10/2021, Phone Operator: QWEST CORPORATION
firstName: Brady
lastName: Kluge
emails: ulf.4numbskulls@bellsouth.net
phoneNumbers: 9252569179
source: US Debt

• :????????????????????????????: / ???????????????????? ????????????????????
        email: 4numbskulls@bellsouth.net
        name: Brady Kluge
        phone: 864-855-6229
        city: Easley
        state: SC
        zip: 29642
        gender: female
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
usernames: tinna_kluge
firstName: Tinna
lastName: Kluge
passwords: __SEC__00dFaj3sqJVMNiWSEXXvzjxWZlM/X5a9OiVkKzBj.7Jo1vbV4dvmodt6pd4RjBiEEbyrOLfoqPZXCmD9/JPjT.98lQOlTCaQjBuVrqV/
emails: 4numbskulls@bellsouth.net
dob: 2013-12-13 18:02:48
country: United States
continent: North America
latLong: 37.751,-97.822
accuracy_radius: 1000
asn: 8075
source: Houzz
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
links: http://www.midamericamortgage.com/low-credit/,
phoneNumbers: 8648556229
city: easley
gender: female
emails: 4numbskulls@bellsouth.net
firstName: brady
lastName: kluge
zipCode: 29642
city_search: easley
state: sc                                    
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
emails: 4numbskulls@bellsouth.net
usernames: bellsouth.net
line: 4numbskulls@bellsouth.net
source: IntelX_9c4374e6-e90f-448c-a9d6-0b2b4eefa303.txt
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
notes: Optin: 1/10/2021, Phone Operator: QWEST CORPORATION
firstName: Brady
lastName: Kluge
emails: ulf.4numbskulls@bellsouth.net
phoneNumbers: 9252569179
source: US Debt

• :????????????????????????????: / ???????????????? ????????????????????                                      
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
firstName: nicholas
lastName: kluge
emails: klugejjm1970@yahoo.com
phoneNumbers: 8646229806
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
emails: klugejjm1970@yahoo.com
source: Customers_202112231551.csv
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
phoneNumbers: 8649526645
city: greenville
address: 1501 n.parker rd greenville sc
gender: m
emails: klugejjm1970@yahoo.com
firstName: john
lastName: kluge
city_search: greenville
state: sc
address_search: 1501n.parkerrdgreenvillesc
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
firstName: John
lastName: Kluge
middleName: M
address: 3 Prince Edward Ct
city: Piedmont
latLong: 34.708800,-82.490400
phoneNumbers: 8648556229
emails: klugejjm1970@yahoo.com
gender: M
dob: 8/22/1970
zipCode: 29673
source: UnknownConsumer
state: SC
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
links: 77
notes: Carrier: Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - SC
firstName: john
lastName: kluge
emails: klugejjm1970@yahoo.com
city: Greenville
gender: M
phoneNumbers: 8649526645
zipCode: 39201
source: ApexSMS
state: SC
༺═════════════════•°• :Spysint: •°•═════════════════༻
links: 77
notes: Carrier: Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - SC
firstName: john
lastName: kluge
emails: klugejjm1970@yahoo.com
city: Greenville
gender: M
phoneNumbers: 8649526645
zipCode: 39201
state: SC
source: ApexSMS

                                     -+-                                           0x10 [Downloads & Extras]                                       -+-

                                               Author's Notes: I was baked asf, while I was gathering all of this info, I'm sorry if anything
                                               doesn't match up. I double checked but im too high to triple check.

                                               A personal message to Brady: You had quite a bright future in medicine, and medical careers, but yet
                                               you threw it away for your enjoyment of young kids.

                                     -+-                                           0x11 [Credits]                                                  -+-

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                                                                          • Updated By / https://doxbin.com/ery/
                                                                      • Format / https://doxbin.com/upload/DefendsFormat
                                                                • Original Paste / https://doxbin.com/upload/BradyKlugeisaPedo
