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               Greetings Hackers! 
From the Leapfrog Community, I am here gracing you with my presence once again - leapfrog. After recent altercations with Noah, some of his friends or people he calls his friends
shed some light on things that he says about me behind my back. He goes around telling people he " made me " and also has attempted to leak me to several people.
The egotistical Roblox player by the name of Noah also larps money and being rich, he sends around an address of a house claiming it to be his. So yeah we used to be friends
but some people become egotistical once you give them an ego. Pseudonyms listed below enjoy the dox of the Larp by the alias of "Vivid".
         ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ Picture: https://streamable.com/9rwdp0|https://streamable.com/ihw9t7|
➤ Name: Noah Frick
  ➣ "Vivid" " Secrets" " Leapfrog2 " "Astro" "Fuzzybunny1"
➤ Age: 16
➤ [DOB] Date of Birth:
➤ Location of Birth: Pennsylvania 
➤ Race: White
➤ Sexual Orientation: Straight
➤ Native Language: English
➤ Religion: Christan
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Gender: Male
  ➣ Weight: 
  ➣ Height: 5'4
        ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ Country of Citizenship: United States
➤ Area Code: 717
➤ Mobile Phone Number: "(717) 802-9085"
➤ Current Address: 2532 Rolo Ct, Mechanicsburg, PA
	???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
FAMILY PHOTO SLOT: https://streamable.com/c934fc | https://streamable.com/kxsh7k | https://streamable.com/lgasyc
➤ Father Name: Lawrence Frick
➣ Age: 47
➣ Mobile Phone Number: "(717) 602-6203"
➣ Address: 2532 Rolo Ct, Mechanicsburg, PA, 1209 Chestnut St Harrisburg, PA 17104
      ➣ Email Address: "tyfffrick6@gmail.com" "larry.frick@hotmail.com" "larry.frick@onebox.com"
➣ Socials: https://www.tiktok.com/@ljfrick https://www.facebook.com/ljfrick.frick
Family Photo Slot: https://streamable.com/pgadcp | https://streamable.com/lo99el
➤ Mother Name: Tyffani Frick
➣ Age: 42
➣ Mobile Phone Number: "(717) 332-2923"
➣ Address: 700 Salem Rd Trlr 46 Etters, PA 17319
      ➣ Email Address: "bionicbaby@gmail.com"
➣ Socials: https://www.tiktok.com/@lovingmy6boys https://www.facebook.com/Noway6
  ➤ Discord ID: "1090803535618256979"
  ➤ Facebook: "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088703034492"
  ➤ Tiktok: "https://www.tiktok.com/@vividcomp"
  ➤ Snapchat: "https://snapchat.com/noeahhh"
Credits: Leapfrog