.M"""bgd mm ,MI "Y MM `MMb. `7M' `MF'`7MM `7MM mmMMmm ,pW"Wq. `YMMNq.VA ,V MM MM MM 6W' `Wb . `MM VA ,V MM MM MM 8M M8 Mb dM VVV MM MM MM YA. ,A9 P"Ybmmd" ,V `Mbod"YML. `Mbmo`Ybmd9' ,V OOb" ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ Keywords; Jones <> https://doxbin.net/user/whois 'rat' = Remote Access Trojan Lapluh <> https://doxbin.com/user/Lapluh 'larp' = Pretend or lie 'skid' = Script kiddie Introduction: Meet Syuto, also known as Lucas Stefan. He is a skid involved in a range of questionable activities, including extorting individuals for nudes, larping as a skilled ratter, and paying others to dox his targets. With an inflated ego, he often brags about his wealth and success, but he is far from well-off. Since entering the Minecraft cheating scene in early 2020, he has claimed to be "undoxable" while flaunting his supposed achievements and connections. Despite his attempts to build an imposing persona, his actions reveal a deeper insecurity and a lack of real skills. Retards like this shouldn't have access to the internet. This kid claims to be a opsec demon whom has never been ratted, he's heavily breached on his personal email AND public email. Alias(s): Syuto MalwareKat Syuto.class Syuto.backend Personal Information: Name: Lucas Stefan Age: 16 (XX/XX/08) Email(s): MalwareKat@gmail.com Picture: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjX4CkcJOb8hDfCEYWB8YxHS7_7u7a6a7ZHpkxDJrg1raxPF6os Number: ••••• ••••83 Devices: Google Pixel 7a Last profile edit: 2024/10/15 22:27:58 (UTC) Gaia ID: 110496033013376785964 Google maps reviews: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/110496033013376785964/reviews Registered: https://firefox.com https://imgur.com https://replit.com https://spotify.com https://twitter.com StefanLucas729@gmail.com Picture: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjVQpsdwv2kQC7FoHqIqZJFKnifX3WFTagnNeyNIJQN4LXFlPfQX Number: ••••• ••••96 Last profile edit: 2024/10/17 22:26:07 (UTC) Gaia ID: 113476163714503698306 Google map reviews: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/113476163714503698306/reviews Registered: https://imgur.com https://komoot.com https://spotify.com https://twitter.com Location(s): Granton, Edinburgh, United Kingdom Timezone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Password(s): Stefanlucas08 stefstef112 Billybob5545 Chanko0949! Chanko09491234 Chanko09491234! Chanko09491! Socials: Epic Games — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) MediaFire — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: stefstef112) NexusMods — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Billybob5545) Rockstar Games — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Chanko0949!) GitHub — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Chanko09491234) EZFN — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Chanko09491234!) PayPal — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) Wish — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: EMPTY) Fortnite — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Chanko09491!) Epic Games — Stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) PayPal — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) PayPal — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) EZFN — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Chanko09491234!) Rockstar Games — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Chanko09491!) Rockstar Games — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Chanko0949!) Epic Games — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) PayPal — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) MediaFire — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) Epic Games — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) MediaFire — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: stefstef112) PayPal — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) PayPal — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) Fortnite — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Chanko09491!) Rockstar Games — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Chanko0949!) PayPal — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Stefanlucas08) Rockstar Games — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Chanko0949!) MediaFire — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: stefstef112) Rockstar Games — stefanlucas729@gmail.com (Password: Chanko0949!)