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                                      skid that dosent know how to osint tries doxing me failed terrible bros a Indian scammer and he sucks dodo
                                     complete indian that extorts 14 year olds forcing to e sex them me personally i would never get raped by
                                    a Indian.
    │                                                                               Personal Information                                           |
                                        cebu city,cebu,06222015544,Philippines,6000,Gajudo,87LdshiV8mlYU04P+F5IZqOqLVvIrXGFjDoJkNx0LFJt,jeradgajudo,jERAD,1,0,44v emerald st casals village mabolo cebu city,jedchoy@gmail.com,09177012225,44v emerald street casals village mabolo,2310274
2710,cainta,rizal,06262015307,Philippines,1900,dela cruz,eCRa/Z2w3KaOoZHhJfm4zvL/aW8QSE7rUUrPlnHMIA==,idolito,amelito aka idolito,1,1,blk2 lot9 lapid''s ville 3 barangay sapang maisac mexico pampanga,dragonsand27@hotmail.com,09153933557,"37-A village east executive homes,village east subdivision barangay sto.domingo",0453221604
2711,Singapore,Singapore,06282015509,Singapore,486029,Sales,ztthENqRy7kasU8LQteu0PAMryxXMFgwD1JDZg==,fsales,Federico,1,0,740 Bedok Reservoir Road #03-3185,Fedsales@gmail.com,06590669824,"DBS Bank, 2 Changi Business Park Crescent #08-03 (lobbyA) DBS AsiaHub",6590669824
2712,Manila,Metro manila,063020151003,Philippines,1014,Tan,DMaPIizgXKPIhgTXaC+pDYLQk9oq0XJ51JGegz0qzxw=,eat4533,Eric Alvin,1,1,1136 tomas mapua st manila,Eat453@yahoo.com,09175277045,1136 tomas mapua,9359568
2713,Iloilo Ciy,Iloilo,063020151222,Philippines,5000,Dela Cruz,4VJlZnhpWA30Cs5xUcpQTtleyxqK8PHkx7w=,genesis1one1@gmail.com,James,1,1,"San Jose, Molo, Iloilo City",james73007@yahoo.com,09177166656,"Honda Cars Iloilo Diversion Road,",5089218
2714,Cagayan de Oro,Misamis Oriental,06302015637,Philippines,9000,GOTIL,PUo7NfUiifzoX1DrRXiwW8ppPt1kjm1HzMoPkxuWtw4=,anavic,ANA VICTORIA,1,0,"Corner Francisco and Tolentino Street Philamlife Village, Pueblo, Cagayan de Oro",gotil68@yahoo.com,09177060573,"Corner Francisco and Tolentino Street, Philamlife Village, Pueblo",0888516808
2715,cebu city,cebu,07032015538,Philippines,6000,fabro,kQ7ww4PcnxG9rt/MyXpBo+uFX1qQMNLqQMji1w==,nameron,rona mae,1,1,"#71 fr. jose bosch st., punta princesa, cebu city",nameron@yahoo.com,09177236973,"#71 fr. jose bosch st., punta princesa",0322367050
2716,Lucena,Quezon,07062015902,Philippines,4301,Reyes,UrixMpj8i5XSk6Z3591GWAzHcDQIXrp5XqBQOWh4,joybest64,Rosauro Gordon Ross,1,1,99 Quezon Ave. Ext. Cotta Lucena City,gordonross64105@gmail.com,09996540792,HR Building II 3rd Floor Quezon Ave. Corner Gomez Brgy IV,7104038
2717,General Santos City,South Cotabato,07102015641,Philippines,9500,Ymbong,5XhD1FSQEzW8S+9C1vzWK2aBQdZ1XFg7OcmV5Q==,rymbong,Ronnie,1,0,General Santos City,rymbong@yahoo.com,09176339939,"1862 Macopa Street, Brgy. Dadiangas North",09176339939
2719,Quezon City,NCR,071420151144,Philippines,1102,Espejo,Odv5h4EgP7vQ0UyhUbZLATZvHziyXQ3QR24=,Larry,Lauriano,1,1,133C Molave Street Project 3 Quezon City,larryespejo@gmail.com,09287973277,133C Molave Street Project 3,2942067
2720,Oroquieta City,Misamis Occidental,071620151043,Philippines,7207,co,ThCOuBntGiDdls8Qyy8u3pHu9sm5kKB24QsNLPsD,normantc,norman,1,1,Barrientos st. Poblacion 2,normantco@yahoo.com,09481299535,"Uptown Square, Barrientos st. Poblacion 2, Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental",09481299535
2721,Iligan City,Lanao del Norte,07192015431,Philippines,9201,Abundiente,hGPY4dsfTbQajLK3FpZhaTQdhTsQ+/EzJj+tLgV37RzB+Q==,iamtroybugoy@yahoo.com,Arthur,1,1,"Purok 1, Magoong Linamon,  Lanao del Norte 9201",Iamtroybugoy@yahoo.com,09176334644,Purok 1 Magoong Linamon,0632270317
2722,Las Pinas,Metro Manila,071920151051,Philippines,1740,Padagdag,B1lrqw2fTxiYTTYOac7cElcElp8c98mnAg8ARNS/,juliuspadagdag,Julius Ceasar,1,1,#93 Gem Road Pilar Village Las Pinas 1740,juliuspadagdag@yahoo.com,09165257625,#93 Gem Road Pilar Village,09165257625
2723,MINGLANILLA,CEBU,07212015507,Philippines,6046,Parcon,vrOsMvSuXoUdgGiH5mT9HZWI8QGU3CvX7UY=,junfe1982,Junfe,1,0,354 B18 L8 Phase 1 Springwoods Subdivision,junfeparcon@gmail.com,09177107329,"Tulay, Minglanilla Cebu",0063323160956
2724,Makati,Manila,07212015631,Philippines,1200,Sunga,0XCrGWw3aM0NuZ6XMaua4k33tEy+C2wNLiBA,Dre_sunga,Andre,1,1,1642 camino dela fe st. Guadalupe makati,Dre_sunga@yahoo.com,09178626373,1642 camino dela fe st. Guadalupe Nuevo,9715089
2725,Bacolod City,Negros Occidental,07272015201,Philippines,6100,So,HTpQfqu+6nU+XqlC0//GMoM+uAO0peqqYCX/cn8=,Alreseso,Alrese,1,1,"6th st, bacolod city",Alreseso2012@yahoo.com,09228608274,"AX Currency Exchange Building (beside RS Building), 6th Street",09228608274
2726,Cebu,Cebu,072820151058,Philippines,6000,Vasnani,52NJZsCUDry0TmcxPyuvj9lnxAoWdEJhIObvzw==,hvas89,Hiten Naresh,1,0,2nd Street Guadalupe Heights Village,hvas89@gmail.com,09320840424,Guadalupe,09320840424
2727,Bacolod,Negros Occidental,072920151136,Philippines,6100,sotocinal,8XIcb6t4T0kHYARi//eYCrCpEt4U49rLIVnN4BFzOQ==,carlo.sotocinal,carlo,1,1,"f street, blk 16, lot 28, hermelinda homes, mansilingan, bacolod city, philippines",carlo.sotocinal@gmail.com,09273150759,"f street, blk 16, lot 28, hermelinda homes, mansilingan, bacolod city, philippines",0344467812
2728,Iligan City,Lanao del Norte,07292015750,Philippines,9200,DAYOT,ju2sRudN24WmiB8OFmzU4YsunlJA4RCq1KE7pw==,puzhead@yahoo.com,CLEMENTE,1,1,"No. 60, La Salle Road, Brgy. Pala-o, Iligan City",puzhead@yahoo.com,09185884482,"No. 60, La Salle Road, Brgy. Pala-o",0632221709
2729,NONE,AGUSAN DEL SUR,07302015118,Philippines,8514,GARCIA,Hhbl6Ixm3+hJLBJWSbxOSrJ+1K5Tflo28993Dec=,danilo.garcia,DANILO,1,1,"P22 Bliss Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur",DANILO.GARCIA4429@YAHOO.COM,09479341836,"DOPLAZA MEMO SPORTS COMPLEX, PATIN AY",09194615387
2730,Pasay City,Metro Manila,08012015736,Philippines,1300,Bonoan,stgNXRBr7x/kW5GcSBlc1zXcR24g8srDy9iUUbU=,jhdbonoan,John Hadrian,1,1,"Unit 16, Romgen Bldg., 2187, Luna St., Pasay City",jhdbonoan@gmail.com,09176469745,"Unit 16, Romgen Bldg., 2187, Luna St., Pasay City",028322056
2731,Quezon City,NCR,08022015646,Philippines,1119,Genito,o2sUlTjjPJsq/tybmlXFq5w0rqcpD3UZcXIxMw==,chitogenito,Andres,1,1,"5 University Valley, Old Balara, Quezon City",chitog2000@yahoo.com,09064469642,"5 University Valley, Old Balara",9580841
2732,Cdo,Mis or,080320151036,Philippines,9000,Quetulio,Aetnp163+CM/Q09YrYexet8XlELP5wWp+vPycg==,Tdbquetulio,Tony dane,1,0,Aluba cdo,Tdbquetulio@gmail.com,09051628000,Quezon st. Aluba subd,8553447
2733,"Malaybalay, Bukidnon",Bukidnon,08042015100,Philippines,8700,Coscos,OEeEN6mHH7TuhqpBJKP+ncHdy/CK5SwMzGRTHQN5,ramielcoscos,Ramiel,1,1,City Govt of Malaybalay,pc_bho2007@yahoo.com,09175484835,"City Hall,  Recto Street",09175484835
2734,Hagonoy,Davao del sur,08042015833,Philippines,8006,Dalapo,a3wArTwHAHa7dljyyuZCsQ2qQ+sj0uwdf0bFPLlb2g==,elias,Elias,1,1,clinica rudinas and hospital poblacion Hagonoy davao del sur,phoenixvaunt2@yahoo.com,09989840596,clinica rudinas and hospital poblacion,0822760122
2737,Batangas,Batangas,08062015755,Philippines,4200,mendoza,UIK/N9T42LzsduHtlsiE3NmFuxEsRsblaUB1P7ENtts=,tigerwolf,brian,1,1,San Isidro Sitio Kanluran Batangas City,wolfgang_brian@yahoo.com,09184483388,San Isidro Sitio Kanluran Batangas City,0437402227
2738,Manila,Metro Manila,08072015142,Philippines,1013,Dabban,P88LZJNUlVASB6TtB+8Me+eW6ReJspZ4FpY6OgSeAMhPHQ==,Romar,Romar,1,1,"2408 R. Fernandez Street, Gagalangin Tondo, Manila",dabbanromar@yahoo.com,09155193545,"2408 R. Fernandez Street, Gagalangin Tondo, Manila",7142924
2739,Dasmariñas,Cavite,08072015424,Philippines,4114,Petilos,VMCj2UPTg3qIh2vKnBWHB52rmBfmgWnaIdH4VQ==,petilosd,Donovan,1,1,Blk 14 Lot 9 Goldenville I Sabang Dasmariñas Cavite,dpetilos@yahoo.com,09354501107,Blk 14 Lot 9 Goldenville I Sabang,0464819645
2740,Tarlac,Tarlac,080820151220,Philippines,2300,Flaminiano,r3ZI4zhooNrMEiZaScbkk1P+ji14tNC4XFoqUQ==,Edflaminiano,Eduardo,1,1,Zone 3 salapungan tarlac city tarlac,edandbeth@yahoo.com,09369940058,Zone 3 salapungan,09369940058
2741,Davao,Davao,081020151158,Philippines,8000,Bacus,eyOHqF7O4Hb+/3VEeQNvls0tOM7mUs+Z+Sc=,mrjoezobud,Marjoe,1,0,"114 Kanlaon Batulao, Central Park, Bangkal, Davao",bheeko_17@yahoo.com,09328560622,"114 Kanlaon Batulao, Central Park, Bangkal",0822991576
2742,Wimbledon,London,08122015336,Philippines,SW19 3SQ,Merrilees,EIei7yHtgb/foSunSw6u3KtKLAYi2+dP5blfxg==,colinmerrilees@gmail.com,Colin,1,0,"51 Herbert Road, Wimbledon, London",colinmerrilees@gmail.com,04475488821,51 Herbert Road,044
2743,"Fort Bonifacio Global city, Taguig",Metro Manila,08122015830,Philippines,1634,Zepeda,cQ85Kc6RiIoSmXzHL5sUT7qFWQC0rqAQ,Leonardozv,Leonardo,1,0,12J Tower 2 Forbeswood Parklane building. Rizal drive. Taguig,Ethan_098@hotmail.com,09178036682,12J Tower 2 Forbeswood Parklane building. Rizal drive corner 28th street,09178036682
2744,Davao City,Davao Del Sur,08132015620,Philippines,8000,Landry,8/LpfCn3UGQo6EaoB79N/31NmDv6/0Si7YmWp28=,jl6624662@gmail.com,John,1,1,Times Beach Ecoland Davao City,jl662466@gmail.com,09127647158,"tall # 160 3rd Entrance Ground Floor, Shoemart, Ecoland",3435355
2745,Davao City,Davao Del Sur,08132015656,Philippines,8000,Landry,7EJs3fElzeASUNgwTzC3nBhJUNmRIof3X/LIhg==,jl662466@gmail.com,John,1,1,Times Beach Ecoland Davao City,jl662466@gmail.com,09127647158,"tall # 160 3rd Entrance Ground Floor, Shoemart, Ecoland",3435355
2746,NANTERRE,hauts-de-seine,08212015841,France,92000,AMOUZEGAR KIM,NxBP056QExM04w1ObmY17jWCrT68JTtM4us=,jamouzegar,Jin,1,1,29 rue Claude Debussy,jamouzegar@gmail.com,00637077084,29 rue Claude Debussy,0147292564
2747,Imus,Cavite,08232015822,Philippines,4103,Navarroza,9N3g3uTsW3BnwUbCbIvzFw36C+7GlDRf9Ug+9dfn,ace0419,Tracy,1,1,Block 19 Lot 35 Summit at Ridgecrest Subdivision Pasong Buaya 2 Imus Cavite,acenavarroza@gmail.com,09188015340,Block 19 Lot 35 Summit at Ridgecrest Subdivision Pasong Buaya 2 Imus Cavite,464509988
2748,Davao City,Davao del Sur,08252015419,Philippines,8000,Gornez,1Dwjyf+E750/n2Wz5rDfeHeLsMFt26erGQvQzQ==,amorg24,Amor,1,1,"Block 3 Lot 10 Samantha Homes, Catalunan Grande, Davao City",amorg24@yahoo.com,09177054864,"Block 3 Lot 10 Samantha Homes, Catalunan Grande",09177054864
2749,Waitakere,Auckland,08262015238,New Zealand,0610,Bravo,8s5oylHaxF5yiZvB+3nMmeSEyl4NVEnM/T6pRtA=,hiscandygirl,Gerard,1,1,"177 / 172 McLeod Road, TeAtatu South",me_edrian@yahoo.com,09157467478,"177 / 172 McLeod Road, TeAtatu South",098362104
2750,Makati,Manila,083020151017,Philippines,1235,Cotioco,2CEbg6i+YOpsXdwemZb9ITTh8YtzrdKXNIq1,frankie,Jayson,1,0,#57 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. Brgy. Palanan Makati,cotioco22@yahoo.com.ph,09276386270,#57 Sen. Gil Puyat Brgy. Palanan Makati,5427784
2751,Ormoc City,Leyte,090120151051,Philippines,6541,de Paz,/aEFAoyXRpiFmKtPr5ofxS+jeEcjY8ebE5Th7hlC,tevence,Steve Lawren

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+17212019656	Phone Number ===========================================================================================================================================================================
+966540504195	Phone Number
+966555701286	Phone Number
+966508865679	Phone Number
+966502204599	Phone Number
+905332826951	Phone Number   Moataz Maasrani
Hayward, CA
Age: 62
Full Name: Moataz M Maasrani Sr
Current Home Address:
260 Industrial Pkwy, Unit 28
Hayward CA 94544
Past Addresses: Homes, Rental Properties, businesses, apartments, condos and/or other real estate associated with Moataz Maasrani in Hayward, CA.
3656 Annis Cir
Pleasanton CA 94588
595 Market St, Unit 850
San Francisco CA 94105
1712 Calais Ct
Hayward CA 94541
4280 Escondido St, Unit 110
Las Vegas NV 89119
123 E Main St
Medford OR 97501
Po Box 70234
Las Vegas NV 89170
Phone: Cell/Mobile/Wireless and/or landline telephone numbers for Moataz Maasrani in Hayward, CA. (510) 258-8743
(510) 415-8011
(925) 262-9800
(510) 581-2042
(925) 249-1090
(510) 258-8569
(510) 676-0839
(510) 581-1042

AKA: Alias, Nicknames, alternate spellings, married and/or maiden names for Moataz Maasrani in Hayward, CA. Claudine S Maasrani • Moataz Maasrani • Claudine Maasrani • Robert M Maasrani • Moataz S Maasrani • Maasrani Cs • Robert Maasrani • Bob A Maasrani
+966502735431	Phone Number
+971568292576	Phone Number
+971552788183	Phone Number
+19123123123	Phone Number
+19174216120	Phone Number
+19204973277	Phone Number
+12122904700	Phone Number
+19177933686	Phone Number
+16642271480	Phone Number +17327958856	Phone Number
+12023282516	Phone Number
+19178331016	Phone Number ===========================================================================================================================================================================
+19172465621	Phone Number
+19164474151	Phone Number
+61401943972	Phone Number
+19048649721	Phone Number
+19209017597	Phone Number
+19177805621	Phone Number
+12138918634	Phone Number
+12345612312	Phone Number  Ryan Piontkowski
Streetsboro, OH
Age: 44
Current Home Address:
8773 Mavis Trl
Streetsboro OH 44241
Past Addresses: Homes, Rental Properties, businesses, apartments, condos and/or other real estate associated with Ryan Piontkowski in Streetsboro, OH.
761 Providence Ct, Unit 105
Streetsboro OH 44241
6313 Dunham Rd
Cleveland OH 44137
1239 Apache Pass
Streetsboro OH 44241
9214 Asbury Rd
Mantua OH 44255
3200 W Market St, Unit 106
Fairlawn OH 44333
9186 Asbury Rd
Mantua OH 44255
Phone: Cell/Mobile/Wireless and/or landline telephone numbers for Ryan Piontkowski in Streetsboro, OH. (216) 702-2451
(216) 475-8460
(216) 534-0344
(216) 663-0606
(216) 518-9786
(713) 498-1056
(305) 364-7624
(763) 428-7781

AKA: Alias, Nicknames, alternate spellings, married and/or maiden names for Ryan Piontkowski in Streetsboro, OH. Ryan Tiontkowski • Ryan Piotkowski • Ryan Scott Piontkowski Sr • Piontkowski Ryans • Ryan S Piontkowski • Ryan S Piotkowski • Ryan Scott Piontkowski • Ryan P Piontkowski

Relatives: Mother, father, sisters, brothers, spouses and/or former spouses of Ryan Piontkowski in Streetsboro, OH. Jessica Halabica • Laura Piontkowski • Nancy Piontkowski • Peter Piontkowski • Robert Piontkowski • Ronald Piontkowski • Ronald Piontkowski • Steven Piontkowski • Tiffany Piontkowski • Tina Piontkowski • Albert Thomason • April Stephens • Bradley Piontkowski • Constance Levine

+16716874686	Phone Number
+17608281306	Phone Number
+19177250101	Phone Number
+19173059048	Phone Number
+19065589331	Phone Number   Felica Hernandez
Scranton, PA
Age: 33
Current Home Address:
122 Meridian Ave
Scranton PA 18504
Past Addresses: Homes, Rental Properties, businesses, apartments, condos and/or other real estate associated with Felica Hernandez in Scranton, PA.
2223 Kelly Ave
Scranton PA 18508
1706 Elizabeth St, Unit 2
Scranton PA 18504
127 Pettebone St
Duryea PA 18642
3 Gordon Pl
Scranton PA 18510
2136 Farr St, Unit 6F
Scranton PA 18504
1407 Bryn Mawr St
Scranton PA 18504
Phone: Cell/Mobile/Wireless and/or landline telephone numbers for Felica Hernandez in Scranton, PA. (570) 963-7909
(570) 290-6704
(570) 909-9396
(570) 909-9154
(570) 507-9088
(347) 245-1007
(570) 344-7862

AKA: Alias, Nicknames, alternate spellings, married and/or maiden names for Felica Hernandez in Scranton, PA. Felicia A Hernandez • Felica A Hernandez • Felica Ann Hernandez • Felicia A Hernandez • Felicia Harnandez

Relatives: Mother, father, sisters, brothers, spouses and/or former spouses of Felica Hernandez in Scranton, PA. Antonia Lopez • Ann Gonzalez • Arlyn Otero • Armando Perez • Cristina Lopez • Cristina Lopez • Cristopher Lopez • Dawn Lopez • Donna Hernandez • Edwin Gonzalez • Evangelina Rodriguez • Jackelyn Lopez • Javier Lopez • Jesivette Ramo

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User Name         : jw03082008@gmail.com
Password          : Justin123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : epic_username
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Created Time      : 8/23/2018 12:33:31 PM
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Filename          : C:\Users\jw030\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data

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Password          : JustinGamingYT12
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : identifier
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 8/2/2017 7:10:24 PM
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Filename          : C:\Users\jw030\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/challenge/pwd
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : jw03082008@gmail.com
Password          : JustinGamerYT12
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : identifier
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 6/20/2019 6:43:26 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\jw030\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data

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User Name         : 233840909

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