MMP""MM""YMM `7MMF' `7MMF' db `7MMF' `YMM' .M"""bgd P' MM `7 MM MM ;MM: MM .M' ,MI "Y MM `7Mb,od8 `7M' `MF'.gP"Ya MM MM ,V^MM. MM .d" `MMb. MM MM' "' VA ,V ,M' Yb MMmmmmmmMM ,M `MM MMMMM. `YMMNq. MM MM VA ,V 8M"""""" MM MM AbmmmqMA MM VMA . `MM MM MM VVV YM. , MM MM A' VML MM `MM. Mb dM .JMML..JMML. ,V `Mbmmd' .JMML. .JMML..AMA. .AMMA..JMML. MMb.P"Ybmmd" ,V ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dox of 特里斯坦·理查德 A teen boy who is a narcissistic, fat, psychotic, undereducated shitbag who "dates" different guys and girls for their money and attention. He also befriends people to gain their personal info and will threaten to leak it if you don't do something he wants. Go ahead and give him a call. 地点:美国路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日。 Phone Number:+1 225 610 9967 电子邮件: 不和谐: dgti 因斯塔: dIgital 抖音: Imdigital --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- His face: 关系: Mother: Crystal Courville Richard 她的脸书: 电子邮件 Brother: Trenton Richard Aliases: Dgtl,Dgti,Dgtls, Dgts, Dgt, STATIXX.